did anybody besides me throw something (1 Viewer)


Oct 28, 2006
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when brees threw those ints inthe redzone:_rofl:
YEP! I threw a herd of obscenities at the TV!
I just recently finished my basement with leather furniture, a nice bar, a 65 inch DLP Mitsubishi HDTV and four figure FRENCHY painting from the Saints-Falcons MNF game.

It was REAAAAALLY hard not to throw something. Fortunately, I also have a Saints dart board, so I went over there and threw some hard darts.
Actually, normally I am very vocal during games even when I can't make it to the dome. I was at home and for some reason I was just quiet during the whole game. It was very strange, I have always been emotional during games but this one was different. I found it wierd.
I think I saw someone throw a guy in section 607...
I almost had a mason jar through my television. Luckily my girl saw my face and grabbed it outta my hand.
I'm in town for the holidays and got to go to the game with my son - first time in the new dome - pretty freakin awesome - the first INT I didn't throw anything - the second INT I threw a seizure

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