Did You Know? (1 Viewer)

St. PJ

Super Forum Fanatic
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Lafayette, La
Yesterday was the first game in the 5 years that Sean Payton has been head coach, that everyone on the team was healthy, including the 8 inactives. Not a single person couldn't have played yesterday.

This is not only remarkable, but very relavent to our Superbowl hopes. Everyone is healed up and ready to rock n roll. Roby might miss Sunday, might not. Ivory should be good to go. Can you imagine Sean carving out a niche for each of our 3 Rb's, then mixing up the back field tandems and fooling with defenses' heads? By the time Sean figures out how to best use all three of them in the most creative fashion, we'll be starting our playoff run. And by the time defensive coordinators figure out how to nullify it, we'll have another trophy. It's good to get healthy and hot heading into January.
Cool! With our healthy offensive and defensive backfield, and DEPTH at MANY positions, we are set to STAY in the TOP TEN for a few years!!!
******** Did YOU know that the Saints are 26 and 6 in their last 34 games?
That is an 84% winning percentage!!!! YES! our SAINTS with the BEST RECORD in the NFL for the last TWO seasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO DAT! ? No body!!!! That's who!
The athletic training staff and strength staff should be congratulated as well. These guys work 7 days a wk just like the rest of the staff. And they take much criticism from us fans who know nothing of the injuries they're treating. Have not heard of any other teams this late in the season that had a 100% healthy inactive list.

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