Do online games like World of Warcraft lead to bad parenting? (1 Viewer)

I stopped playing MMOs because aside being too much of a time sink, they are hard to put down because there is no "pause" like with a single player game.
Well apparently edit feature isn't working ATM:

And I would add another dimension is that from the perspective of a spouse/family member, the social interaction in MMOs could be seen as replacing that of the spouse/family.

So in that respects, I think that MMOs aren't the same as "another video game" or "another escape", they are different animal and need to be handled differently than alcohol, gambling etc. One aspect being, that once you put it down for a while, you don't much have the desire to go back
OP how is is this guy?
I am thankful I waited as long as I did to have kids (near 40s)
I did everything I needed to do artistically and socially (sexually) that I don't resent my kids taking anything from me
It's entirely possible this guy didn't even know he had stuff that he wanted to do with his life until he felt that he couldn't?
Gaming would be an escape from that

(He type while his kid is screaming for some reason)

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