Eagles Propose Alternative To Onsides Kick (1 Viewer)

Mar 22, 2023
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Covington, La.
There will be several proposed rule changes between now and the owners meeting where they will vote to adopt them or not. The Eagles have proposed an alternative to the onsides kick. Their proposal would allow the team that scores to have a 4th and 20 from their own 20 yard line. If converted, that team would keep the ball with a first and ten from that spot. Can only attempt twice in the same game and only when trailing.

Source Article Below:

There's another thread
(titled no more ambush new rule forces teams to let the other team know they are doing an onside kick) about changes to the kickoff and onside kick rules that garnered plenty of discussion, however, the thread title suggests that it is a rule change when it's just another proposal to change the kickoff and onside kick rules.

I think the NFL will make some type of rule change this year regarding kickoffs and onside kicks. They want to bring the kickoff back into the game as an exciting play that holds the attention of the fan/viewer. Currently, after the PAT the networks run about 3 minutes of commercials then return for the kickoff which under the current rules usually results in a touchback then the network runs another 2 minutes or more of commercials. Between the touchdown and the next play from scrimmage about 10 minutes of real time elapses. The average viewer either uses this time for a bathroom break, a food/drink run, or flipping channels. A more exciting kickoff could hold the attention of the viewer a bit closer.
EVERY kickoff should be a 4th and 25 play from the kicking teams own 25. They can do whatever they want to do, just like on any 4th down play. Punt, go for it, fake punt. Simple and exciting. Real football plays. Not the BS the NFL wants to feed us.
EVERY kickoff should be a 4th and 25 play from the kicking teams own 25. They can do whatever they want to do, just like on any 4th down play. Punt, go for it, fake punt. Simple and exciting. Real football plays. Not the BS the NFL wants to feed us.
Hey I like it. You would see the starting offense out on the field with 5 wide every time running verticals. The QB would have to learn how to punt. From the shotgun the defense would have to defend the pass even if the QB punted it every time.
If the refs wanted to point shave all they have to do is not call a penalty on the offense opting to go for the 4th and 20 on their own 20.
EVERY kickoff should be a 4th and 25 play from the kicking teams own 25. They can do whatever they want to do, just like on any 4th down play. Punt, go for it, fake punt. Simple and exciting. Real football plays. Not the BS the NFL wants to feed us.
So you want to place the game in the hands of a crooked ref and a PI call?
EVERY kickoff should be a 4th and 25 play from the kicking teams own 25. They can do whatever they want to do, just like on any 4th down play. Punt, go for it, fake punt. Simple and exciting. Real football plays. Not the BS the NFL wants to feed us.
No lie I usually don't like removing kickoff ideas but I actually like this idea if kick off had to be removed
If they do this, then I'd want them to look at Pass Interference on these plays the same way they look at it on Hail Mary plays
If they do this, then I'd want them to look at Pass Interference on these plays the same way they look at it on Hail Mary plays

Yep…and certainly none of this illegal hands to the face/defensive holding for a 5 yard penalty and automatic first down BS that they always conveniently pull out on critical third downs, which seems to never happen in our favor.
Genius idea. Perfect scenario for phantom DPI and holding calls to control scores even more. Exactly what we want.
Genius idea. Perfect scenario for phantom DPI and holding calls to control scores even more. Exactly what we want.
Should be no automatic first downs. Dpi is a max 10 or 15 yd penalty with another 4th down try to come. On the second 4th down attempt a team can get a first on a penalty but only via yardage gained, no automatics.
Should be no automatic first downs. Dpi is a max 10 or 15 yd penalty with another 4th down try to come. On the second 4th down attempt a team can get a first on a penalty but only via yardage gained, no automatics.

I’d rather them quit fixing what isn’t broke. Kickoffs used to be exciting. Onside kicks used to be exciting. These proposed rules and recent changes make the game feel like peewee league. Might as well remove special teams altogether. Remove defense too while you’re at it.

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