Eagles Propose Alternative To Onsides Kick (1 Viewer)

The ideas and rules changing are getting dumber and dumber
Still nothing about the penalty at the spot of the foul for the DPI ? or better refs ?
I’d rather them quit fixing what isn’t broke. Kickoffs used to be exciting. Onside kicks used to be exciting. These proposed rules and recent changes make the game feel like peewee league. Might as well remove special teams altogether. Remove defense too while you’re at it.
I'd much rather them leave it alone too.. but if it's going that way regardless I just hope for no automatic first downs.
No passing. Scrum at the 50. Direct snap. Push the other 2 yards back, you get the ball.
This isn't even necessary if the new kickoff rule is adopted because it will allow overloading again. That being banned is why onside kicks became impossible to recover.

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