Ed Bradley has died of leukemia - per cnn (1 Viewer)

Mr. Sparkle

Disrespectful to dirt
Mar 5, 2002
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Saw him once at the Gospel Tent at Jazz Fest - good guy, and the best of the lot on 60 Minutes
New Orleans has lost a true friend. RIP Ed.


Ed Bradley and Bo Dolis at JazzFest

60 Minutes' Ed Bradley Dead At 65
Veteran CBS News Correspondent Succumbs To Leukemia
NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2006

CBS) Veteran 60 Minutes correspondent Ed Bradley died of leukemia this morning. He joined the staff of the venerable news magazine 26 years ago.

Bradley’s consummate skills as a broadcast journalist and his distinctive body of work were recognized with numerous awards, including 19 Emmys, the latest for a segment that reported the reopening of the 50-year-old racial murder case of Emmett Till.

Terrible news....I respected the way he did his interviews. I didn't realize he was 65.

Society needs more Bradleys. He overcame long odds to be respected by both movers & shakers, and Joe six pack. We were fortunate to have him in our corner.
I had no idea he was sick.

RIP, Ed Bradley.

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