Expect a big game from Marques Colston... (1 Viewer)


I exist as I am, that is enough
Jun 23, 2005
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Since Joe Horn is out, expect Colston to have a BIG game. I hope.....
i agree, his first shot as the #1 WR in the NFL..time to shine
I think they'll probably roll coverage to his side...and I look for him to probably have a tougher time getting open with Safety help over the top. They don't have to respect any one else...
It will also be the first time he's keyed on as the #1, I hope he steps up.
Bolden, Juran should match up with him a lot he was talking on the Bucs radio about he is looking forward to guarding him.
Brees has shown the propensity to go to the best matchup. Colston will be gaurded by Barber, so he will not be thrown to often in my opinion. I look for Bush to have a big pass catching day with some throws to Lawrie and Campbell, while Deuce carries the load on the ground.

If Colston eats up Barber, then it's time to get really, really excited about Colston's future. Barber is one of the best...
Brees has shown the propensity to go to the best matchup. Colston will be gaurded by Barber, so he will not be thrown to often in my opinion. I look for Bush to have a big pass catching day with some throws to Lawrie and Campbell, while Deuce carries the load on the ground.

If Colston eats up Barber, then it's time to get really, really excited about Colston's future. Barber is one of the best...

Exactly, I couldn't say it any better.
Ok, that's it.

I've been very hesitant about jumping on the Colston train, for fear that it may be too early to get exciting about his potential. I knew he was good, but I didn't think it was certain just HOW good he would be..


Colston is a stud, period. He catches EVERYTHING.. softest hands on a Saint since Eric Martin. He isn't afraid to go up for the ball in heavy traffic. He's deceptively fast. He runs good routes. He blocks. He's humble. He's motivated.

He is THE star of this offense. He is Brees' Antonio Gates.

He's not only a slam dunk for rookie of the year, he will make the pro bowl.

There.. now i've gone and done it..
Big game indeed for Colston, he's good..... and Henderson was a pleasant surprise.
Congradulations to Colston, now the Saints record holder for most receiving yards in a rookie season. Only 1 TD from tying Stallworth's record of 8, and only 10 catches from breaking Cleeland's record for most catches. Barring injury (all jinx-killers applied here liberally), he'll easily break both records as well.

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