Familes that are still together (2 Viewers)

Married Status

  • I am still married, My parents are still married, and spouse parents are still married (together)

    Votes: 31 59.6%
  • I am Divorced (not together)

    Votes: 6 11.5%
  • My parents are divorced (or not together)

    Votes: 8 15.4%
  • Spouse parents are divorced (or not together)

    Votes: 7 13.5%

  • Total voters
Been married for 24 years. My parents are deceased but never divorced. My in-laws are still married. All four grandparents stayed married and never divorced. My wife and I both have siblings that split up.....and their kids suffered from it. That is probably why I'm still married today. We've had a rocky road, but both of us have worked through it for the sake of the children. Now, both kids are in college with very promising lives to live. Not saying they wouldn't have turned out as good had we split, but statistically speaking kids from divorced households tend to have more issues/problems.

The breakdown of the family unit is the biggest reason this country is going down the crapper IMO. No statistics, just a hunch.
I know people who have commitment issues in their lives because of the horrible marriage their parents forced themselves to stay in. children know when parents hate each other. the fighting and resentment usually do more damage to children than divorce.
bills like this just make people second guess getting married and just "shack up".
also, when women became more independent, I can understand how the divorce rate went up. women used to be FORCED to stay married, now they don't HAVE too as much..
Divorce rates have been steadily declining since 1980, now very near where they were in the early 1950's. In the US that
if I had to guess, a lot more people are just together now, and not married. I'm too lazy to look it up but I bet the percentage of marriages is lower now vs then..
Divorce rates have been steadily declining since 1980, now very near where they were in the early 1950's. In the US that is.
Gotta agree with Bigdaddy.....more people are just living together without the commitment of marriage. My general comment on the family unit was not specific to marriage at all. It was actually more pointed toward "fathers". So many kids grow up without a father and that ends up leading to a troubled kid or one without discipline. I can't site any statistics, but I bet my last dollar kids that grow up in a nuclear family have infinitely better odds at becoming productive members of society compared to kids growing up with single mothers. Just a hunch.
Been married for 25 years, with her for 30.

Parents are still married after 45 years although they literally cannot stand each other and stay together for the principle. They are absolutely miserable together. This is their second marriage and in my opinion, they should have ended it years ago but that's for another day.

Spouses parents were married until he passed.
Your parent's are like Abby's aunt and uncle. Miserable in their marriages, and now merely determined to outlive one another out of pure spite. I can't imagine going through life like that.
Mom is married 3 times and still married, but they live separately on the same property. Dad married and divorced (oops) three times. My wife's parents are also split and my MIL remarried (actually after I married her daughter). I'll be married 27 years this year and still together. Marriage is not easy, even and sometimes especially when you love and care for one-another. One thing I have learned and would share with anyone considering getting married: The term "growing old together" doesn't particularly refer to simply aging together. For a marriage to work it takes consistent, mutual, personal and emotional growth.
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