Fanatics (1 Viewer)

St. Pike

Representing Proudly
Jul 10, 2001
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Hey,.. I know awhile back there was a discussion about fair weather fans etc,.... So I would love to get feedback or a different way of designating fans

What determines a person a “real fan?”
Fanatic itself, introduced into English around 1525, means "insane person". It comes from the Modern Latin fanaticus, meaning "insanely but divinely inspired". Fanaticism, from French fanatisme and fanatique and from Latin fanaticus is an emotion of being filled with excessive, uncritical zeal.<O:p></O:p>
Rather than define someone a “true” or “real” fan, I have developed a series of degrees. <O:p></O:p>
The scale consist of First degree to fourth degree, with the first being the least devout.<O:p></O:p>

First Degree: Indifferent, “fair weather,” or a Nonchalant Fan.
To the 3 rd or 4th degree fans these fans are probably worse than fans from their biggest rivals. They disappear when the team does poorly and re-emerge when they start to win. They also never identify themselves with team, except when they are winning. For example: We won or they loss. They rarely know more than a few players.

Second Degree: Casual Fan
They still don’t identify with the team (We won, they loss mentality).<O:p></O:p>
They get excited when they win, but become indifferent when they lose. They will keep track of results, but not necessarily watch every single game. They won’t initiate a discussion on the team, but they will have an opinion if they are winning and dismissive when they are losing. If they have the means, they will attend games, and might purchase season tickets if the team has sustained success.

Third Degree: Loyal and Devout Fan or Die Hard Fan
They completely identify with the team. They will win and they will lose. There emotions will be tied to the success and lack of success of the team. They will know all of the players on the team. They will initiate conversations concerning the team. They will watch and read anything concerning the team. They would devoutly follow every game. If they have the means, they will definitely attend at least one game or become a season ticket holder. Also, they will have team apparel, possibly a jersey. Again depending on means, they will customarily be apart of a fan club.

Fourth Degree: Fanatic (Special High Order)
This is very special level. It is equivalent to gaining total enlightenment. All for one and one for all mentality, or an “inseparatable” duality. They do not just identify with the team, they are intrinsically connected. They are everything a Loyal and Devout fan and more. They just don’t wear team apparel; they masquerade/ dress up for game day (assuming they have the means). They definitely belong to fan clubs, and if their means allows them, they will travel to most, if not to all, of the road games.
First degree also applies to college sports. Like UNC. "wait til basketball season" is their war cry from August til the opening day of basketball practice.
Im a third degree probably for both the Saints and Hornets.
Third Degree: Loyal and Devout Fan or Die Hard Fan
They completely identify with the team. They will win and they will lose. There emotions will be tied to the success and lack of success of the team. They will know all of the players on the team. They will initiate conversations concerning the team. They will watch and read anything concerning the team. They would devoutly follow every game. If they have the means, they will definitely attend at least one game or become a season ticket holder. Also, they will have team apparel, possibly a jersey. Again depending on means, they will customarily be apart of a fan club.

Thats me:D
I just wanted to add,.. if you consider yourself a 4th degree fan, then you can't realistically be more than a 2nd degree for any other in a different sport. All sports overlaps.
No offense guys, but I think this thread is petty silly, as are the criteria, does anybody honestly believe they would actually admit to being anything less then 3...????

Oh wait I already did........:no: .....I am now exposed.

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