GEICO actor fired for malicious voicemail (1 Viewer)

What is freedomworks again? I thought tea parties where a grass root movement?
Typical liberal, arrogant, misinformed, and stupid, and then when he gets caught doing something's somebody else's fault.:hihi:

Dang Purvis that the same thing I hear people say about conservatives. :ezbill:. Seriously, for the sake of Americans the parties and media have to meet somewhere in the middle but it to profitable to keep us "thinking" we are split apart with a wide void between us and only "they" have our best interest at heart and only "they" keep us informed and only "they" represent us and only "they" can save us and "your" American life style.

Sorry to thread jack. Just saw some comedy in your statement. I've used against conservative and we all use it back and forth.

We are really not that different. We all have the same wants, needs and concerns.
Dang Purvis that the same thing I hear people say about conservatives. :ezbill:. Seriously, for the sake of Americans the parties and media have to meet somewhere in the middle but it to profitable to keep us "thinking" we are split apart with a wide void between us and only "they" have our best interest at heart and only "they" keep us informed and only "they" represent us and only "they" can save us and "your" American life style.

Sorry to thread jack. Just saw some comedy in your statement. I've used against conservative and we all use it back and forth.

We are really not that different. We all have the same wants, needs and concerns.

I'm glad you saw comedy in my statement because that's how I meant it, notice the laughing face after? Lighten up man!
No,Bandwagon, we're not that different. In fact most registered Democrats and Republicans on average, have mostly centrist political views, their are some differences on some social issues(abortion, death penalty, gay marriage), still any gaps in voting demographics, I don't sense any serious hatred between the two, just from observing. In fact, I've seen a sizable shift within the Democratic Party towards the center over the past 10 years. In the primaries, President Obama publicly praised Reagan as an inspiration towards helping end the Cold War(he was criticized by Hillary and others), regardless it still proves that the party's direction isn't as partisan as it was 25-30 years ago.

As far as the media goes, look most people who criticize or accuse the MSM's left-wing slant are actually missing the real story, most newspapers, cable news hosts, FOX, MSNBC, aren't biased, just sensationalist. Yellow-dog journalism, talking heads, provocative headlines, controversy causes interest, and that's what feeds their bottom line. Would it be fair for some to wonder if they actually believe any of it? Absolutely, and also understand that most media outlets are owned by multi-national corporations, concerned with making large profits, the news you and I hear is the best available version of the truth. That's why alternative/underground magazines are in so high-demand because they give a more complete view of news stories.

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