God hates shrimp (1 Viewer)


Tiptoeing Through the Tulips
Oct 1, 2004
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Ocean Springs


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That site is part of Rev. Phelps (Westboro Church) chain of gay-bashing sites.

You know, the people who protest at military funerals? They say God is glad the soldiers died because they were defending a nation that allows homosexuality.

Their primary site:

Well.. I've always thought I lived right, but if eating shellfish will send you to hell, then I'm in big trouble.
That site is part of Rev. Phelps (Westboro Church) chain of gay-bashing sites.
No it's not. It's a parody of Phelps' site. I realize it's hard to tell because it's not funny. At least the Flying Spaghetti Monster is funny.
Phelps, or Phelps parody, anything about Phelps and his loonies ain't funny to me.

Thanks for the clarification!
You would think a guy like God would make stuff he could enjoy.
That site is part of Rev. Phelps (Westboro Church) chain of gay-bashing sites.

You know, the people who protest at military funerals? They say God is glad the soldiers died because they were defending a nation that allows homosexuality.

Their primary site:


I just have to accentuate this point. It's PHELPS AND HIS FOLLOWERS who protest military funerals!!!!

I do this because it is bikers who ride as voluntary guards to our soldiers' coffins. And a co-worker of mine rode in the procession, protecting a fallen soldier from the Lake Charles area. He thought (for whatever reason) that they would be protecting the funeral from "war protesters"...I know he's an older man, but did he really think it was 1969?

I had to explain to him that he would actually be protecting the funeral from Phelps's fundies. While he was cool with the anti-gay stance, their actions didn't sit well with him (and I'm sure his wife took it harder. She's nice, but stupid. I may just clock her at the Christmas party.)

It's amazing the stupidity, and willingness to believe whatever, that exists in most everyone I work with. Not that I'm smarter than the average bear, but I'm well informed. The people I work with are content with their ignorance.

And they'll probably vote...against Amendment 7.
Landover Baptist might be the best of the parody sites.
people have too much time on their hands
>>(and I'm sure his wife took it harder. She's nice, but stupid. I may just clock her at the Christmas party.)

hahahahaha Make sure someone's got the videos ready. A clip would be a nice present to all your friends on EE.

This thread is making me hungry.

I want to make sure I am following this right.
Nobody has actually protested with a "god hates shrimp" sign? Am I following this correctly so far?

The site was created as a parody of Phelps' site, right? So the pictures must have been photoshopped on this site, right?

The Phelps site people are the ones that protest the Military funerals, right? And were they also the ones that wanted to protest the those poor Amish girls funerals too, but they got an interview in exchange for staying away from the funeral?
Jayden: You are correct on all counts.

Taurus: Yeah the Landover site is so funny it makes me feel guilty. And I always get a laugh out of the pictures of Jesus saying LOL that Ra always posts.

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