going to be a dad!! (1 Viewer)

Dec 21, 2006
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just found out this morning that my wife is pregnant.

on top of that, my brother and his wife found out she's pregnant too.
So your brother has been busy?!?! . :ezbill:

seriously tho, Congrats!
congrats,,my wife took a test last week and we're pregnant. This will be our 2nd. Our first is 14 months. Can't wait. BTW, we haven't even told the family yet. We're getting everybody over for the Cardinal's game next wk and will put our daughter in a "I'm gonna be a big sis" shirt.
congrats!!! the wife and i satrted trying which is the fun part!!! hope we have as much luck as you and your brother.
just found out this morning that my wife is pregnant.

on top of that, my brother and his wife found out she's pregnant too.
That's great news! I take it this is your first?
congrats,,my wife took a test last week and we're pregnant. This will be our 2nd. Our first is 14 months. Can't wait. BTW, we haven't even told the family yet. We're getting everybody over for the Cardinal's game next wk and will put our daughter in a "I'm gonna be a big sis" shirt.
Allsome idea. I'm sure they'll be excited.
Dueling pregnant wifes sounds fun.
My wife and her sister were pregnant at the same time. My niece was born exactly two weeks before my son was born. They've been like brother / sister more than cousins.
congrats!!! the wife and i satrted trying which is the fun part!!! hope we have as much luck as you and your brother.

my brother and his wife were trying for a year now. this is an accident for me and my wife.

funny part though, we have been living at my moms since late march because our house is being built. and my wife gets pregnant... hahaha. yes...
just found out this morning that my wife is pregnant.

on top of that, my brother and his wife found out she's pregnant too.

Dang, y'all some potent boys. Congrats to all posting on your new ones, buns in ovens and tireless efforts.
Congratulations! Your life is about to change but you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!
I have two boys, one 17 and other is 4. Yes, I know, pretty spread apart. But anyways, the one piece of advice I can give you is to grab hold of every moment you can spend with the child. With the divorce from my first child's mother, I lost a lot of those precious moments with him. I regret the sometimes lack of effort on my part to grab hold of those moments. I am not making the same mistakes with my youngest. I have a very demanding job but, I always and I mean always make time to have those moments. You don't want to say to yourself later in life that you should've done more or been there more. It really does hurt my heart to think about those mistakes I made. I congratulate you and just wait til the first time the baby runs to you saying "Dad!". There is nothing better.

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