Half Catahoula / Half Dachshund (1 Viewer)

I have a rescue that is a Catahoula/something (possibly Shepherd) mix.

Catahoulas are loving, loyal dogs but earlier posters are right. They need daily exercise and are somewhat territorial to their pack so if you're not the "willing to go to the park or on walks and toss the tennis ball" and "willing to be assertive", there could be socialization problems with other dogs.

I think my girl is pretty smart (so I kind of disagree with Widge on that) but maybe I'm just blinded because she's mine. :hihi:

I would recommend not getting one without a yard but since I have no idea what you get (size wise) when you combine a Catahoula with a weenie dog, you probably want a second opinion on that.

It must be the Shepard part that made her smart.:hihi:

Mine have multiple issues, but it's not their fault and it's understandable. They just wandered into our yard one day, they were skin a bones and my wife fed them. We put out adds and flyers, but no one claimed them. It looks like they were breed to be hunting dogs, but when they came out white, which can be associated with deafness and blindness in dogs (I know it can in boxers and I think it's the same in Catahoulas), somebody abandoned them. They also don't see when in day light.

So, the combination of sight issues and hearing issues makes them less valuable as hunting dogs. My guess is they couldn't be used as hunting dogs and they couldn't sell them so they abandoned them. The result is that they are very territorial, protective of the people who feed them and aggressive. They were also likely beaten at some point since they pretty much so cringe and cower any time your hand is lifted around them. (No, I don't hit them, but it's pretty clear they were hit when they were young.) That fear, combined with not seeing well and some deafness may make them seem dumber than they actually are.

By the way, SuperChuck, each of mind weigh near 100 lbs and they are a good 4 foot long. So, even combined with Dachsund, that puppy may get pretty big.
It must be the Shepard part that made her smart.:hihi:

Mine have multiple issues, but it's not their fault and it's understandable. They just wandered into our yard one day, they were skin a bones and my wife fed them. We put out adds and flyers, but no one claimed them. It looks like they were breed to be hunting dogs, but when they came out white, which can be associated with deafness and blindness in dogs (I know it can in boxers and I think it's the same in Catahoulas), somebody abandoned them. They also don't see when in day light.

So, the combination of sight issues and hearing issues makes them less valuable as hunting dogs. My guess is they couldn't be used as hunting dogs and they couldn't sell them so they abandoned them. The result is that they are very territorial, protective of the people who feed them and aggressive. They were also likely beaten at some point since they pretty much so cringe and cower any time your hand is lifted around them. (No, I don't hit them, but it's pretty clear they were hit when they were young.) That fear, combined with not seeing well and some deafness may make them seem dumber than they actually are.

By the way, SuperChuck, each of mind weigh near 100 lbs and they are a good 4 foot long. So, even combined with Dachsund, that puppy may get pretty big.

Do you have any recent pics of your dogs? I remember you posted pics of them when you first found them and they looked so sickly. You're right about the sight and hearing with the mostly white coloration - just like Boxers. It's really sad that someone just dumped them.
We are looking to adopt a dog (can't be too big, we live in a townhouse with no yard) and my wife found a rescue puppie that is half Catahloua, half Dachshund.

man i'm dying to get a dog, and this thread makes me want one even more; my work travel schedule prohibits it though.... i've been trying to get my GF to get one, but all she wants is a poodle. :mad:.... I'm more of a 'big dog' kind of guy, and i'd like to adopt one.... You know how (some) women have baby fever?? Well i have puppy fever in a big way.. Someday.....
My mom has had three catahoulas. Only one left at this time. I wouldn't say any of them were dumb. She has a large yard so that was never a problem. I'd say they were pretty great and loving dogs.
As the proud owner of 4 Dachshunds, I will tell you you might want to get another as well. Dachshunds need to be around others of their own kind because they need constant companionship and attention and for some reason they just get along a lot better with other Doxies. Ask Primadox if you don't believe me.

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