Helpful Reminder (1 Viewer)


Livin' the dream
May 9, 2008
Reaction score
In a van down by the river.
Well, the ole van got broken into tuesday. They took me to the cleaners.

  • 3 flat screens
  • 3 laptops
  • Wii
  • 70+ games
  • 4 iPods
  • Jewlery
  • clothes
  • 1 leather chair
  • 2 DVD players
  • 1 Blueray player
  • xmas presents
  • etc.
I just want to remind all of you to be sure to SET your alarm(yes I have an alarm but it wasn't set) if you have one and keep your eyes and ears open for anything or anyone who looks suspicious in your area. I don't want this to happen to any of my Saints family. Merry Christmas.
Damn. That sucks dude. Sorry to hear it.
Dang, they must've spent a good amount of time walking back and forth to their vehicle to get that much stuff.
That sucks. Sounds like someone did their Christmas shopping at your expense.

Also, watch what you say on Facebook, etc. If you are going out of town, don't post about it online anywhere.
I have no neighbors. They pulled the vehicle in the back yard and accessed the Ole Van through the kitchen door. The cops say they were in and out in less than 10 minutes. Just be careful this time of years please. I don't want this to happen to any of ya'll.
Man that really sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your insurance will cover all that and more so.
Man that really sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your insurance will cover all that and more so.
If I can ever talk to an adjuster. I guess I need to get back into KATRINA MODE and bust some chops to get stuff done. I really thought I was over being a hard ***.
Damn Flea, sorry to hear...I hope they catch those ******** that did it....Check out the pawn shops....
I was lucky enough to have all the serial #'s for ALL the electronic stuff. I hope they are dumb enough to try and pawn it. Little Cletus Jr. is really ticked off that they took his Wii and games. If they get them I would like to let my little feller open a can of Whoop Arse on them.
I have no neighbors. They pulled the vehicle in the back yard and accessed the Ole Van through the kitchen door. The cops say they were in and out in less than 10 minutes. Just be careful this time of years please. I don't want this to happen to any of ya'll.

Wow - that is insane!!!

I'm glad that you or your old lady didn't show up at the Ole Van while they were cleaning it out. That could have not ended well. Sorry you lost stuff but your health and life are more important.
Sorry for your max suckitude, Flea. :mad:

They sound like another crook I know.

Sorry your van got violated, dude. It can be infuriating to think of burglars rooting through your domicile.

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