Here' to all the traveling Who Dats! (1 Viewer)


Pro Armchair QB
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
The new an improved, Pace Fl.
Be safe out there, we need all fans in there seats today. If ya see us along I-10 wave, we'll be leaving out of Pace here at 8:30. Here's to a great Saints Day, and hope we get a lot of dancing done today! Again be safe out there, there were 2 really bad accidents with fatalities last home game, and i don't want to here about my brothers and sisters in the Who Dat Nation, in one!
Good thoughts STRonaldo, lots of people traveling into NOLA today, we are too, but not as far as others. Let's all be careful on the way there and back... and make it a great day all around! I plan on hearing "Get Crunk" many, many times today in the dome! Lots of dancing and lots of scoring! Who Dat!

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