How Stalin Funded the Tea Party Movement (1 Viewer)

Apr 28, 1999
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If nothing else, it's an interesting read on the Koch family...

Everyone knows that Tea Party revolutionaries fear and hate socialism about as much as the Antichrist. Which is funny, because the Tea Party movement’s dirty little secret is that it owes its existence to the grandaddy of all Antichrists: the godless empire of the USSR.

What few realize is that the secretive oil billionaires of the Koch family, the main supporters of the right-wing groups that orchestrated the Tea Party movement, would not have the means to bankroll their favorite causes had it not been for the pile of money the family made working for the Bolsheviks in the late 1920s and early 1930s, building refineries, training Communist engineers and laying down the foundation of Soviet oil infrastructure.
I like how terrified of an actual conservative movement the left, and the media for that matter, are. Also, I hate when the people, who claim themselves to be tea party, treat it like another political party... Kinda defeats the purpose to me.
untill this moment i had no interest in watching the NFL draft, now, I think Tedy Bruschi actuall makes sense when he speaks....
I like how terrified of an actual conservative movement the left, and the media for that matter, are. Also, I hate when the people, who claim themselves to be tea party, treat it like another political party... Kinda defeats the purpose to me.

The only people who should be scared of the tea party is republicans. If they run candidates in coming elections it's going to steal votes from republican candidates.

I liked the tea party a lot more when it was full of libertarians.
I admittedly didn't read the whole article, but it sounds like the Kochs, with their private company, capitalized (capitalism?) with a contract to do this work for the Bolsheviks in exchange for $. Isn't that what capitalism is all about? The Bolsheviks money was as good as anybody else.

If anything, it makes the socialist look sheepish with the need to hire from the outside to do anything productive.

But again, I didn't read the whole article.
Not real sure what folk are so worked up over....

They throw a real good party
If nothing else, it's an interesting read on the Koch family...

Everyone knows that Tea Party revolutionaries fear and hate socialism about as much as the Antichrist. Which is funny, because the Tea Party movement’s dirty little secret is that it owes its existence to the grandaddy of all Antichrists: the godless empire of the USSR.

What few realize is that the secretive oil billionaires of the Koch family, the main supporters of the right-wing groups that orchestrated the Tea Party movement, would not have the means to bankroll their favorite causes had it not been for the pile of money the family made working for the Bolsheviks in the late 1920s and early 1930s, building refineries, training Communist engineers and laying down the foundation of Soviet oil infrastructure.
Are you trying to set some sort of EE record today for the greatest number of useless ridiculous posts in one day?:scratch:
I admittedly didn't read the whole article, but it sounds like the Kochs, with their private company, capitalized (capitalism?) with a contract to do this work for the Bolsheviks in exchange for $. Isn't that what capitalism is all about? The Bolsheviks money was as good as anybody else.

If anything, it makes the socialist look sheepish with the need to hire from the outside to do anything productive.

But again, I didn't read the whole article.

Ford Motor Co. among others worked with the USSR. In the 20's and 30's Stalin encouraged many US companies to invest and work with the USSR. About a year ago a book was published that followed numerous people who emigrated to the USSR to work. Unfortunatel, many of them were executed in Stalin's purges, including some high level people from Ford.

The name of the book is "The Forsaken: From the Great Depression to the Gulags -- Hope and Betrayal in Stalin's Russia"
I admittedly didn't read the whole article, but it sounds like the Kochs, with their private company, capitalized (capitalism?) with a contract to do this work for the Bolsheviks in exchange for $. Isn't that what capitalism is all about? The Bolsheviks money was as good as anybody else.

If anything, it makes the socialist look sheepish with the need to hire from the outside to do anything productive.

But again, I didn't read the whole article.

I haven't read the article, but MLU's point is that the family helped to build the Soviet industrial infrastructure, yet the organization the family bankrolls is petrified of socialism and communism. If they were such a threat, the argument goes, how on earth could you risk the security and safety of America and the whole world in order to make a few bucks? And if the Soviets weren't a big enough threat to warrant passing on a lucrative opportuinty to help industrialize their economy, then why the fear-mongering about socialism and communism?
It happened during the depression. I guess any opportunity to make money was pursued.
Or maybe the Tea Party is bankrolled and controlled by communists just like Ford and the other companies that did business with the Soviet Union over the years. The US govt even sold wheat to the Soviets for years, the nerve.
While it's certainly no secret that Ford Motors worked with infamous types like Stalin, Mussolini,it's disingenuous to look for any other relationship between Stalinist Russia or other prominent American/British companies that worked with both Hitler or Mussolini. Bayer had business dealings and reportedly contributed medical technology used at extermination camps like Burgen-Belsen, Dachau, Sorbibor, Buckenwald. Still what they did was not even close in comparison to Henry Ford's anti-Semitic writings, periodicals, circulated by his Deerborn Express newspaper. Henry Ford was in no way a communist, his political views and ties to Nazi Germany are so damning, it's a wonder why he escaped prosecution or Congressional inquiries during or after WWII, the book Auto Opiate really opens up a lot on model in first establishing Detroit's auto industry, manipulating then using armed thugs to infiltrate and break up union meetings, attack members, all of this supposedly with the support or indifference from city leaders.
I like how terrified of an actual conservative movement the left, and the media for that matter, are. Also, I hate when the people, who claim themselves to be tea party, treat it like another political party... Kinda defeats the purpose to me.
I know a few liberales and I think the word that I would use to describe their feelings towards the Tea Party is "amused".

Are you trying to set some sort of EE record today for the greatest number of useless ridiculous posts in one day?:scratch:
How else am I supposed to be enchanted with your witty and intelligent banter?
You guys don't understand free-market capitalism do you? :)
It's not about politics, it's not about principle, it is about supply and demand. Nothing more and nothing less. If someone wants something they can make a profit on and which won't damage their brand image or send them to jail (the last two are okay if it's abroad or if they especially good PR and lawyers) they will supply it.

Want to buy a man's soul, that's okay, there are some atheists in Canda who are selling...the price is $5,000 - sign on the dotted line.

Don't forget IBM and Coke did a lot of lucrative business with the friends of a certain unsavory Autrian Corporal. They are like football WAGs, they go where the cash is and they don't worry about where it comes from or who is paying.

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