HS Principal to Students: No Leggings unless you're a size 0 (1 Viewer)

One of the few memories of 1st grade that I have almost complete recollection of was when we went to library and the librarian got in front of the whole class and said "Everyone, look at Claire's beautiful dress. It is so pretty. But she ruined it by wearing tennis shoes. Why would you wear tennis shoes with such a lovely dress. I don;t understand girls ho do that - it looks awful . . . ."
Even at that age I knew the librarian was behaving horribly.
Criticizing a 6 y/o for a fashion mistake. Got to love America!
I agree with most of your points in here. I know plenty of skinny-fat people - B UT - just because you're heavier and have good blood panels and blood pressure, being overweight is hard on your skeletal system, ligaments, etc. So it is still unhealthy/not ideal. As you age, that extra weight makes moving around harder and harder to do. Once you stop moving around, the other internal health issues begin to follow.

This is the truth. I had lost a lot of weight when I was running a lot. I injured my foot/ankle/knee, and stopped running consistently for a year. During that time, my plantar fasciitis got so bad I had to get 50 shots in my foot. My knee pain increased. The reflux came back. My foot/ankle recently was in good enough shape to start with a steady walking/elliptical/slow jog routine over the past few weeks. I still have a long way to go, but the weight I have lost has already started making a difference. This is coming from someone that most people wouldn't say was fat or even overweight. However, I am tall and carry the extra weight well. Still I know when I have the extra weight on, and it does affect me adversely.

Everyone knows that "magic weight" where you know you aren't carrying any extra weight your body can't handle. The problem is that getting to that weight may require sacrifices (exercise more, eat less). That weight for me is 210. At 200 I feel even better, but most of the issues I have completely disappear at 210.
On a side note: The entire sexy at any size body positivity movement really isn't healthy. It is not helpful to tell people they are still sexy when morbidly obese.

Sexiness and healthiness are two different and separate things. Health can be measured through the collection of impartial data of one's body. Weight is a factor in that measurement and usually a predictive factor, but not the only factor.

Sexiness, on the other hand, is entirely dependent on the individual person and their experience, culture, frame of reference and attractions as to what they consider sexy. While you may not find that morbidly obese person attractive, I guarantee you that a not small percentage of people do. I think it's typical for people who meet or believe in the popular standard of sexiness (which also correlates with healthiness here in the US) to believe that they are both the same thing.

In that sense, I think it's perfectly fine for a fat or morbidly obese person to feel good and positive about their body and feel sexy in it. And I think it's fine for people that are obese or morbidly obese to wear whatever makes them feel sexy, they don't need anybody else's approval. That however doesn't and shouldn't take away from having honest, frank and important conversations about health and the effects of added weight on a person's health, especially with health care providers. We just don't need to tie it to sexiness and attractiveness.

My general advice to everybody is to dress appropriately for whatever situation you're in. If you're going to a club, wear your sexy arse clothes, whatever that is to you and don't give a flying fork what anybody else thinks. If you're going to school, wear something more modest. Be your own clothing editor so others don't have to be.

I happen to think body positivity is a good thing because it allows people to take stock of their own health and work honestly through that to hopefully better outcomes without being encumbered by the judgement and negativity of the external world around them.
Sexiness and healthiness are two different and separate things. Health can be measured through the collection of impartial data of one's body. Weight is a factor in that measurement and usually a predictive factor, but not the only factor.

Sexiness, on the other hand, is entirely dependent on the individual person and their experience, culture, frame of reference and attractions as to what they consider sexy. While you may not find that morbidly obese person attractive, I guarantee you that a not small percentage of people do. I think it's typical for people who meet or believe in the popular standard of sexiness (which also correlates with healthiness here in the US) to believe that they are both the same thing.

In that sense, I think it's perfectly fine for a fat or morbidly obese person to feel good and positive about their body and feel sexy in it. And I think it's fine for people that are obese or morbidly obese to wear whatever makes them feel sexy, they don't need anybody else's approval. That however doesn't and shouldn't take away from having honest, frank and important conversations about health and the effects of added weight on a person's health, especially with health care providers. We just don't need to tie it to sexiness and attractiveness.

My general advice to everybody is to dress appropriately for whatever situation you're in. If you're going to a club, wear your sexy arse clothes, whatever that is to you and don't give a flying fork what anybody else thinks. If you're going to school, wear something more modest. Be your own clothing editor so others don't have to be.

I happen to think body positivity is a good thing because it allows people to take stock of their own health and work honestly through that to hopefully better outcomes without being encumbered by the judgement and negativity of the external world around them.
TLDR Summary
Sexiness is in the eye of the beholder and I agree.
TLDR Summary
Sexiness is in the eye of the beholder and I agree.

True. Every time I look in the mirror, my eyes definitely behold sexy. #bringsexyback
are there male yoga pants? asking for a relative.

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