Hypothetically speaking (offseason)... (1 Viewer)

Saint Droopy

Born/Raised in Hollygrove
Gold VIP Contributor
May 29, 2006
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Reppin' N.O. here in DFW
Lets say that we address our needs in free agency...

we pick up a tackling machine to play MLB....

We get at least 1 shut down corner...

either we sign a receiving threat at TE or Billy Miller (or any of our TEs) show enough promise to not warrant taking a TE early...

lets say that Ted Ginn Jr declares himself eligible for the draft... and he's available when we pick... we're not drafting for a "need" here... do we take him?

I watched some highlights on him, and this guy is Reggie-esque... whenever he touches the ball there's a strong possibility that he may take it to the house.

Defenses find it hard to gameplan our offense now... can you imagine if we add another weapon like that on our offense? I'm not saying start him opposite Colston, but man... that would make DCs sick.

Oh well.. its always cool to dream...
If we address those needs in FA, then I imagine BPA is the way to go. Don't be a but surprised if a DT is the first round draft choice. Hollis Thomas is in the last year of his deal, not to mention a 10 year veteran.
Hollis Thomas may be a 10 yr. vet. but he hasn't shown any signs of slowing down and has played very well for us this year and I wouldn't mind signing him for another 2 yrs.

As for a shutdown CB, I don't think Champ Bailey will be a FA this year and as far as I'm concerned he's the best there is. Nate Clemmons is debatable as to weather or not they franchise him again. He's not a shutdown corner anyway but I wouldn't mind getting him and that still leaves one corner position open because in reality we need 2 corners not just one. As per Mike D the Saints wanted to get rid of Mckenzie during the offseason but we didn't have anyone step up. As for LB, who did you have in mind that is a tadkling machine? Donnie Edwards? If we were to sign DE, how long do you think he will still be able to play at a high level? With his age and the nature of his position, how many games do you think he would be able to play without injury? My point is, that though you may be able to fill 2-3 holes on the team in FA, I don't think it's realistic to think that you can fill all of them. Also we need to take into consideration the type of players that coach Payton has assembled on this team and the chemistry that he has created among the players. I doubt that coach Payton would sign me first type players or players that don't have football smarts. Another thing about FA is that corners are very expensive and we have a lot of money invested in Drew, Deuce, Horn and Bush, and with the way Colston is playing more money will have to be invested in re-negotiating his contract as well as Charles Grant's. With the exception of 1st round draft picks, draft picks are generally cheaper than FA's and are usually with your team longer so I think that trying to get a Clemmons and an Edwards may be too expensive for our cap numbers.
Unless you are expecting a collaspe this season of epic proportions by the Saints, Ginn will be long gone by the time we're on the clock.
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Ginn will be gone. He's looking like the 2nd WR off the board at this point (5 to 15 range depending on need)
what if adrian peterson drops to us? do we take bpa? i think its unlikey but you never know........
what if adrian peterson drops to us? do we take bpa? i think its unlikey but you never know........

No. I think 2 first round picks at HB is enough, don't you? If Deuce's contract was tradeable i'd consider it......for half a second. And then still say no.

I'm satisfied at that position.
Ted Ginn?

We have enough WRs that can't catch.

No No No No No No No No No.

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