I Hate the NFL Network!!!!! (1 Viewer)


I'm need about TREE FITTY
Aug 3, 2004
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It should be called the Dallas Cowboy network. Why do they only show highlights of 2 or 3 games over and over totally ignoring the rest of the games. I've been watching for over an hour and haven't even seen the Saints score yet.
Because they would rather watch an idiot score a TD. Lay down, take a nice nap on the field, because as you know, that was a huge story this week. Someone feel asleep in a classroom, happens all the time, hell I did it the other day. Then cost his team 15 yards, and then proceed to drop a 70 yard TD pass or however far it was. Good for ratings I guess.
Yeah, I just quit watching it myself. How many times do we have to sit through Herm Edwards. sheezzz
Because they would rather watch an idiot score a TD. Lay down, take a nice nap on the field, because as you know, that was a huge story this week. Someone feel asleep in a classroom, happens all the time, hell I did it the other day. Then cost his team 15 yards, and then proceed to drop a 70 yard TD pass or however far it was. Good for ratings I guess.

o get that "celebration" now! i'm a little slow

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