If someone would have told me that... (1 Viewer)

Apr 22, 2000
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Teasure Island, FL
...at the start of the seaon we'd be 6-4, with our losses to Baltimore, Carolina, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, I'd be elated. While I'm not saying that losing is acceptable (heavens no!), we have to look at the bigger picture here too though. Other than San Diego lately, no one is moving the ball on offense like New Orleans, and while we've been blaming the defense for our losses the past two weeks, we also can't overlook that without turning the ball over at the most inopportune times we'd still most likely be 8-2 all things considered.

Let's talk ourselves off the ledge here collectively and realize that the Saints still are a force to be recogned with and need to show the support for the players when they need it most -- heading into Atlanta this weekend. The Falcons are also reeling, so let's not be too hasty burying the Saints just yet. Colston should return, if not this week then next, and as long as we hang on to the ball, all should be well.

I think the turnovers are more detrimental than the D. So many of the turnovers came on what looked to be touchdown caliber drives. As someone else posted today, if you throw over 50 passes in a game, the INT's are inevitable. Even if the D gives up 24 or so points, we have proven to be in every game and capable of scoring almost at will.
I think the turnovers are more detrimental than the D. So many of the turnovers came on what looked to be touchdown caliber drives. As someone else posted today, if you throw over 50 passes in a game, the INT's are inevitable. Even if the D gives up 24 or so points, we have proven to be in every game and capable of scoring almost at will.

I agree. I mean our defense held the Bengals to 10 points until 5 minutes into the 4th quarter. I don't know how much more you can ask of a defense.
I agree. I mean our defense held the Bengals to 10 points until 5 minutes into the 4th quarter. I don't know how much more you can ask of a defense.

Spot on. Our D played well enough that even if we get field goals on some of those missed opportunities it changes the complexion of the game.

Turnovers have caught up to us. Bobby Hebert said yesterday that Payton had said that we were living on borrowed time unless we stopped turning the ball over. It looks like we are proving him right. If you turn it over in the NFL you lose.

But hey, 6-4......I'll take it. Just beat the Falcons and I think this "bad ju ju" goes away!
I think the issue is how we lost. Most people feel that Pittsburgh and Cinncinati were total give-aways we should have won and that Baltimore, at the very least, should have been a different game entirely.

Its hard to watch your team "lose" moreso then simply "get beat".
...Its hard to watch your team "lose" moreso then simply "get beat".

I'm on the other side of this LSSpam... While not winning sucks no matter what. I think it's better to "lose" than "get beat"

At least when you "lose" you know you were good enough to win, and if you make some corrections, you will win.

When you "get beat" it's because you're just not good enough... and for me, it sucks even worse to know that you're just not up to par.
I'm on the other side of this LSSpam... While not winning sucks no matter what. I think it's better to "lose" than "get beat"

At least when you "lose" you know you were good enough to win, and if you make some corrections, you will win.

When you "get beat" it's because you're just not good enough... and for me, it sucks even worse to know that you're just not up to par.

This is a great point. I am glad you differentiated the two.

The first change MUST come from the head coach. HE must evaluate the football philosophy of his team and staff. Then HE must evaluate the caliber of play by each and every on field contributor. Then HE must make the corrections, adjust the game plan, and put the ball into the right personnel's hands.

I have faith that Payton is capable of making these adjustments.
I'm on the other side of this LSSpam... While not winning sucks no matter what. I think it's better to "lose" than "get beat"

At least when you "lose" you know you were good enough to win, and if you make some corrections, you will win.

When you "get beat" it's because you're just not good enough... and for me, it sucks even worse to know that you're just not up to par.

I'd agree with you. If we were Arizona. After having lived through the Haslett era though, it's like post-traumatic stress flashbacks.
I'd agree with you. If we were Arizona. After having lived through the Haslett era though, it's like post-traumatic stress flashbacks.

If you think you've lived through anything concerning the past years of Saints mis-fortunes, try doing it for twice as long as you, as some of us more experienced fans have.
people on this board are upset cause they know were a good team and compete with anybody, so it hurts a little to see us shot ourselves in the foot after going head to head the the bengals and the superbowl champs, but at the same time we have to realize that at this point we all would take a 6-4 record, but we NEED to control these turnovers, and bree's throwing 3ints (1 for a touchdown) that just aint bree's like, so we shouldnt have to worry about that happening again, but these loses mount and we need to get this corrected before it engulfs us and we end up 6-10
Haven't we seen this thread ALL YEAR LONG...I have a feeling some people will still be saying "If someone had told me at the beginning of the year that we'd be 6-5, 6-6, 6-7 etc.." for the next few weeks all the way 'til the end of the year when we may be 7-9.
Haven't we seen this thread ALL YEAR LONG...I have a feeling some people will still be saying "If someone had told me at the beginning of the year that we'd be 6-5, 6-6, 6-7 etc.." for the next few weeks all the way 'til the end of the year when we may be 7-9.

If someone told me in August that the Saints would line up and play 16 football games in 17 weeks, I'd have been thrilled!!

.....oh wait

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