I've always wondered this... tell me I'm not the only one (1 Viewer)

Nov 5, 2006
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Why don't the Saints petition for more games in the 3pm time slot? It's not a secret that New Orleans is a pretty religious city (I mean, heck, we're called the SAINTS) so why not make the games a bit more user-friendly for the church crowd? Granted, there are ways around this with the current system in place, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels conflicted when it comes time to decide Saints vs. Saint Peter Claver...
are there no other times that you can go to church on sunday??? :shrug:
are there no other times that you can go to church on sunday??? :shrug:

Granted, there are ways around this with the current system in place,

Yeah, I could go to 9:30 mass, which none of my family attends. Additionally, my family and I like to spend time together after church, either at another member's home or eating at a restaurant. Not all of my family is as yoked about Saints football as I am; many of them are content with watching on nice televisions. After spending four of the previous five seasons away from New Orleans, I'm trying to attend as many games as I can make, but not via sacrifice of my family time. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way (a reference to the title of the thread! wow! coherence!)

A 3:15 game would allow those of us that go to late church ample time to spend with the family before having to deal with the hassles of parking (which is essentially negated if you don't mind walking). And what do those that attend earlier services lose?
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I don't see why New Orleans is any kind of unique position on this. If accomodating church goers was something the league wanted to focus on, than an argument could be made for any NFL city. And in fact, New Orleans has a large Catholic population -- isn't Mass offered on Saturdays?

I'd think New Orleans would have a greater argument for late games to accomodate the party crowd. ;)
I'm not saying that we're in a unique position, but for every home game our pastor says something to the effect of "The real Saints are in here." I"m pretty sure, for example, that T.D. Jakes doesn't say "The real Cowboys are right here in church"

or maybe i'm still having knots in my stomach from passing on what i heard was a great service to watch the rams debacle live :dunno:
Why don't the Saints petition for more games in the 3pm time slot? It's not a secret that New Orleans is a pretty religious city (I mean, heck, we're called the SAINTS) so why not make the games a bit more user-friendly for the church crowd? Granted, there are ways around this with the current system in place, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels conflicted when it comes time to decide Saints vs. Saint Peter Claver...

During football season we usually go on Saturday night or Sunday night.
The Steelers, Patriots, Bears, and NFC East teams not Dallas at home have gotten many 3:15 games. In fact our TB game was just changed to 3:15. It made me wonder why we don't get more games in that time slot. Attendance in the dome hasn't struggled but I almost know who I can count on not seeing, lol
Yep, I just checked the schedules. I dont recall that happening in the past.
I'"The real Saints are in here."

I actually find this statement offensive. There must be hundreds of churches in the greater New Orleans area with dozens of different service times. How does he know when and where Saints fans choose to worship? Does a fan who went to a saturday service and then attends the game not carry as much weight with the almighty? Or is he implying that if you are not at HIS service you are just a sinner? Man that line of thinking from Christians gets me angry.

You always know what time the game is, pick a church that accomadates the schedule. You think YOU have it rough? The game starts at noon in New Orleans, up here in AK it starts at 9:00 am. To go to Mass I would have to go to the saturday night service. I just don't go to church during football season.
i don't think that the NFL should get into catering to religion
I actually find this statement offensive. There must be hundreds of churches in the greater New Orleans area with dozens of different service times. How does he know when and where Saints fans choose to worship? Does a fan who went to a saturday service and then attends the game not carry as much weight with the almighty? Or is he implying that if you are not at HIS service you are just a sinner? Man that line of thinking from Christians gets me angry.

You always know what time the game is, pick a church that accomadates the schedule. You think YOU have it rough? The game starts at noon in New Orleans, up here in AK it starts at 9:00 am. To go to Mass I would have to go to the saturday night service. I just don't go to church during football season.

It's said tongue-in-cheek, my church has Saint in the name... and fwiw, the pastor walks up the aisle and please believe he knows when you don't attend, Saturday or otherwise.

Yeah, I could go to 9:30 mass, which none of my family attends. Additionally, my family and I like to spend time together after church

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