Jammal Branch (1 Viewer)


Saints' fan 4ever
Gold VIP Contributor
Jun 4, 2005
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Sad to leave NOLA to AZ; going into ministry
I may have been sleeping, but as far as I recall... he's still available for us to put on the active roster. If so, isn't now the time (with Deuce and Reggie less than 100%)?
I have never been sold on Stecker. I would love Branch to replace him as the full time backup.
I have never been sold on Stecker. I would love Branch to replace him as the full time backup.
Aaron has the nod because he's a specials teams ace. He is the one that set Reggie free for that TD.
Branch seemed to have a problem holding onto the ball... in preseason... against guys that are working as sandwich artists at Subway right now.

If he can prove he's over the fumblitis, then I think he could help us.
In order to activate Branch you would have to cut someone. I don't think Payton wants to cut anymore players. Branch would probably replace Stecker but Stecker is there for special teams which is the reason they chose Stecker over Branch in the first place.
Fair enough, I never noticed Stecker doing much on special teams. I guess thats par for the course for blockers though, never get any credit.
Actually, I may be mistaken, but doesn't Stecker return kicks occasionally? Of course with Lewis back we probably won't be seeing much of that anymore.
He missed one pass - c'mon - Reggie has fumbled two or three times, and Deuce has fumbled once...

I like Stecker. Chances of him missing a pass and the ball landing right in the Ravens player like that are small...get over it!
Fair enough, I never noticed Stecker doing much on special teams. I guess thats par for the course for blockers though, never get any credit.

He absolutely destroyed somebody during Reggie's return in the Tampa game.
It was pretty cool to see Lewis and Bush in the backfield fielding punts.
I was very happy with Branch in the preseason. I think that he does some things very well and shows promise. However, this is not his year. I believe that Stecker is a proven product. He has been around for a while, and he is experienced in quite a few situations (ST, receiver, RB). I think that is why he is in over Branch, I really like both players but I am more comfortable with Stecker in there than Branch at this point in the season.

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