Khamenei calls elections a victory for Iran (1 Viewer)

In the arena of non-news, my baby is refusing to nap. I am now going to try to put him to sleep with country music and the local news.
I hear you DadsDream. The statement by their leader is significant. It speaks volumes about Dem war policy or the lack thereof. It speaks volumes about the common American patience and resolve. IMO the liberals and media have wined the people drunk with their incessant criticism. None sober enough to realize that Dems don't have greener grass, they just told them GOP grass wasn't green enough.
Labeling somebody's post as non-news is the new censorship.

Kind of like not buying Dixie Chicks albums is the new censorship... :)

Seriously, how is this worthy of discussion? You've mentioned several times that it is important to note that our enemies our paying attention to what we say... ok... why is that important? What should we do about it, etc....

Again, I don't really care what Ahmadinedjad's analysis of our domestic politics really is. I care more about what tak's own opinions are, and why, then I care about some foreign enemy's opinions.

Remember, the terrorists were excited about 9/11 -- they thought it was great. And what happened to them immediately after? Their base of operations was destroyed, finances squeezed, and they were sent scattered to the winds. Oops... looks like they weren't particularly astute at gauging American response. So, now all of the sudden they've become experts at American foreign policy?

I could also point out they were ecstatic about the Iraq invasion. They believed that it would allow them to regroup and help them regain their street cred after they were so thoroughly whipped in Afghanistan. Does this mean we should have listened to them then? Again, my answer is no. In this case, I think they were partially correct, and they may be partially correct again regarding the Democrats... however, we don't base our decisions on their analysis. We base our decisions on our own analysis.

So, exactly why is it important to listen to their propaganda? The only thing I can think of is so that we know where to focus our own propaganda... but no one has made that point.
Kind of like not buying Dixie Chicks albums is the new censorship... :)

Seriously, how is this worthy of discussion? You've mentioned several times that it is important to note that our enemies our paying attention to what we say... ok... why is that important? What should we do about it, etc....

Again, I don't really care what Ahmadinedjad's analysis of our domestic politics really is. I care more about what tak's own opinions are, and why, then I care about some foreign enemy's opinions.

Remember, the terrorists were excited about 9/11 -- they thought it was great. And what happened to them immediately after? Their base of operations was destroyed, finances squeezed, and they were sent scattered to the winds. Oops... looks like they weren't particularly astute at gauging American response. So, now all of the sudden they've become experts at American foreign policy?

I could also point out they were ecstatic about the Iraq invasion. They believed that it would allow them to regroup and help them regain their street cred after they were so thoroughly whipped in Afghanistan. Does this mean we should have listened to them then? Again, my answer is no. In this case, I think they were partially correct, and they may be partially correct again regarding the Democrats... however, we don't base our decisions on their analysis. We base our decisions on our own analysis.

So, exactly why is it important to listen to their propaganda? The only thing I can think of is so that we know where to focus our own propaganda... but no one has made that point.

On some strategic level Al Queda will be disappointed if we leave Iraq.

Keeping us tied down there indefinitely forces us to spend heaps of money, which over the long term will have potentially dire effects for the U.S. economy. Our deep pockets are the thing that has allowed us to sustain the world policeman role.

If they can play a role in undermining our economy over the longer term, they can undermine the thing that sustains the force levels that allow us to intervene in their countries. They are conscious of it. Bin Laden has commented on this benefit of having us in Iraq.

Since they can never defeat us straight up, their only hope is to drain us over time and they've got a good start on that. Add up all the expenditures in blood and treasure so far and compare that to what Al Queda has expended and I think their assymetric strategy is working to some extent.

Already the Chinese are getting nervous about our financial state. China is holding $1 trillion in reserves earned from trading with us. They have nothing to do with those $$$ other than loan them back to us to support our spending.

But they are beginning to believe that on the present course we will bankrupt ourselves and that they will be left holding worthless paper. So they are talking about moving some of those reserves out of $$$ and into gold and Euros.

This is a signal to us.

If we persist in ruinous policies the dollar might be routed, and that would make Al Queda very happy because we could be forced to return home across the oceans for lack finacial resources.
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Kind of like not buying Dixie Chicks albums is the new censorship... :)

So, exactly why is it important to listen to their propaganda? The only thing I can think of is so that we know where to focus our own propaganda... but no one has made that point.

And because the rest of the world is listening to it, UTJ.

Having been in the region, you well know that the latest pronouncements from the top religious leaders are the major headlines in their papers every day. It affects the region's perception of us. In the case of Iran, this is doubly true and you know it.
And because the rest of the world is listening to it, UTJ.

Having been in the region, you well know that the latest pronouncements from the top religious leaders are the major headlines in their papers every day. It affects the region's perception of us. In the case of Iran, this is doubly true and you know it.

This is a lost cause. Our image is in a shambles and was so well before 9-11.

This will not change until "the Arab Street" seems some tangible evidence if objectivity in the region.
This is a lost cause. Our image is in a shambles and was so well before 9-11.

This will not change until "the Arab Street" seems some tangible evidence if objectivity in the region.

So, let's ignore a pronouncement by the religious leader of Iran. It's non-news. Takes up space on an open forum.

Disregard this whole thread. It's non-news.
I'm still not sure why it's of much import to us. You don't make policy decisions based on what foreigners think.

Yeah, propaganda is everywhere in the Middle East, along with conspiracy theories, etc. I also know that their can opinions change rapidly. Trying to gauge what to do based on what is coming out of the madrassas is way too reactionary for my tastes.

Is it interesting... sure -- does it have much bearing on how we should conduct ourselves? I'm not so sure.
So, let's ignore a pronouncement by the religious leader of Iran. It's non-news. Takes up space on an open forum.

Disregard this whole thread. It's non-news.

So the rest of the world is listening, and yes it is news. But it still begs the question. Why are you insistent on obsessing over it? And why do you think it is so important that it merits rigorous analysis?

But ultimately, you haven't explained why it's real significant beyond the fact that yet another Muslim leader is proclaiming an election somehow a "victory" for his country.

To me, it's real simple. Iran, AQ, and the rest of the belligerants in the world, including Kim Jong Il, are going to issue a barrage of propaganda every day. It gets reported, the country takes notice, and that's it.

Beyond looking at it for what it is--propaganda--what the hell is the point?

Either one believes and takes stock in the fact that they're happy that the Dems won, regardless of the ridiculousness of the claim, or one believes these pronouncements as meaningless propaganda which doesn't deserve much attention.

Either you think the former or the latter. I think the latter, and so do many others. To think the former is tantamount to agreeing with the propaganda--that somehow this country did vote in a party which will be weak on the war on terror.

It's not a "non-news" event, which you claim, but it certainly doesn't merit the kind of attention and analysis which you're giving it--which is why many are responding "who cares?" when the partisans are pointing out that the "terrorists" are happy that the Dems won.
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A more interesting discussion to me would be - are these statements correct, and in what way. Just taking what they say at face value doesn't seem particularly useful to me.

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