LBs this year (1 Viewer)

So it seems like the LB room probably had the biggest jump in quality this year
We might finally have someone who can defend against a mobile QB and we might be able to cover TEs and RBs
This at a time when overall LB play has been fading

How much can our new LBs help in the overall D?
I'm excited about DA getting to work against a more modern offense. Seemed like teams that incorporated motion would break our defense when we played them. Now that were practicing against it, we'll be able to figure out answers and incorporate them into the scheme before the season.. Teams like the Rams, Dolphins, Texans won't give us as much fits.

Reminds me how in 2011 we blitzed the 49ers in pre-season and they took that and built site adjustments/blitz beaters into their scheme. They were far more prepared in the NFC championship game because of that.
That’s one of the reasons I like him. When he makes a play, he typically acts like someone doing his job and not like he realized he just won the Power Ball while standing on a fire ant hill.
I'm not even talking about the way he carries himself. Like I said, his game is fine. I'm talking about the way the dude looks and his name. If his name is Slade Reddick and he wears a visor, spat, various arm/leg bands, etc., he'd be a beloved fan favorite. Kind of like Kwon Alexander but younger, similar production.
I'm not even talking about the way he carries himself. Like I said, his game is fine. I'm talking about the way the dude looks and his name. If his name is Slade Reddick and he wears a visor, spat, various arm/leg bands, etc., he'd be a beloved fan favorite. Kind of like Kwon Alexander but younger, similar production.
This is close to correct, but clearly his name would have to be Blaze McHammer III. And something about the 'infectious energy' he plays with.

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