Looking for some info (1 Viewer)


Now with Covfefe
Mar 12, 2005
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In a Bottle
The wife and I are considering moving to Thibodaux in about a year. I was hoping some one on here lives around that area and can give me a good idea on the how the job and real estate market is there, maybe some good neighborhoods to live in etc. Any and all info is appreciated.
Where in VA do you live? I don't live in Thibodaux but I have been there.
It's pretty small. Its not even the kind of place I think of as having neighborhoods. It's on a bayou with lot fisherman and such, as has one university. I don't think there are many jobs. Housing should be cheap.
Where in VA do you live?

Currently in Norfolk,Va.........Ive heard its alot of bayou in that area, I guess that kind of got me thinking about the job market in the area
It would be a pretty big change. Definitely visit before doing anything drastic.
Houma is close to Thibodaux. It's bigger and probably more livable overall.
It would be a pretty big change. Definitely visit before doing anything drastic.
Houma is close to Thibodaux. It's bigger and probably more livable overall.

I totally agree with you there, I hope to visit out there in a few months, luckily I am very used to the small town living (as long as I can find a "watering hole" close by) its my wife im more concerned about although she is feed up with the Big city life herself.

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