LSU self-imposes restrictions on football program (1 Viewer)


Not trusting a big butt and a smile since 1990.
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Jul 8, 2001
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Rockwall, TX

LSU has self-imposed restrictions on its football program as a result of an internal investigation that revealed violations of NCAA rules, as announced earlier this year.

The self-imposed restrictions include a reduction in official visits for the 2010-11 academic year, a reduction of initial scholarship recipients by two for the 2011-12 incoming class, a reduction of the overall scholarship counters by two for the 2011-12 academic year and a reduction of the total number of National Letter of Intent/SEC scholarship papers that can be offered to prospective student-athletes by two for the February 2011 signing date.

"LSU took quick and thorough action when we discovered these violations, and we are hopeful the NCAA will ultimately agree with our assessment of this case," Chancellor Michael Martin says. "The reports to the NCAA and SEC and our decision to self-impose penalties are the culmination of many months of arduous work by our compliance office. and I am confident their thorough examination of this case has produced appropriate sanctions for the football program."
The reduction of scholarships really sucks donkey kong, especially over a guy who never even played a down for you. But oh well, we hired an idiot (actually not talking about Miles for once here when saying idiot) and must pay the consequences. I'm not sure what this other garbage is about. I actually forgot about all of this. It's not going to be the end of the world for us obviously, but those two extra guys could be the difference in a Les Miles infamous last second victory after your guys are tired, injured or whatever...

Les Miles doesn't have a lot of time left, he better get us back in BCS contention soon and improve our offense ASAP (without violating NCAA rules.) Losing is one thing, playing like you ride the short bus is another... but NCAA violations? Don't turn into Lane Kiffen dude. Having a clean program is about your only saving grace as a coach. Based on the LIMITED information available, it sounds like you did the right thing here so I have your back. You got rid of the problem. You refused to play the player (unlike some people. *cough awbarn cough*) But you're on thin ice buddy, so crack some heads and ensure this garbage doesn't happen again.
Don't single just us out, VW, when probably every SEC school has, probably is doing right now, and will continue doing it. For LSU fans here, I hope Miles holds your expectations up in not getting busted by recruiting violations. Oh, its all well and good roasting us with as-of-yet unproven allegations but some carry long memories, and if what goes around one day comes around for you or Bama, UGA, Tenn, I hope most here can stomach sitting on the hot seat with an unbeaten BCS-bound team. Its not complicated, just get caught cheating once, that paragon of virtue disappears faster then Jonathan Sullivan's waistline.
Hate to see that Cotton Bowl trophy being taken away. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving fan base. What's the punishment for thousands of improper recruiting phone calls to high school coaches, recruits, and their families. How many untold thousands of dollars were discussed in these conversations? "Sources" have revealed there are tapes recorded about hs coaching getting paid to steer recruits to LSU. Death Penalty
Well, it took longer than 48 hours but it appears the NCAA is satisfied with LSU's self-imposed penalties. Seems it's a closed matter. No language stating it's final "at this time".

No additional LSU football violations in D.J. McCarthy-Akiem Hicks matter, NCAA tells school

Hey Awbarn, you see this? This is how you stand up and take your punishment like a man. No colluding behind backdoors, no pre-arranging penalties or escape clauses... no hiring lawyers to find the fine-print on how to get out of something.

LSU screwed up, penalized ourselves, NCAA agreed, end of story. You might wanna try it sometime. It feels good to be a man. :)
Hey Awbarn, you see this? This is how you stand up and take your punishment like a man. No colluding behind backdoors, no pre-arranging penalties or escape clauses... no hiring lawyers to find the fine-print on how to get out of something.

LSU screwed up, penalized ourselves, NCAA agreed, end of story. You might wanna try it sometime. It feels good to be a man. :)

congratulations on feeling like a man
Hey Awbarn, you see this? This is how you stand up and take your punishment like a man. No colluding behind backdoors, no pre-arranging penalties or escape clauses... no hiring lawyers to find the fine-print on how to get out of something.

LSU screwed up, penalized ourselves, NCAA agreed, end of story. You might wanna try it sometime. It feels good to be a man. :)

Good, now that you feel like a man, start acting like one and quit your *****ing about Auburn. You complain more than any woman I know.

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