Movie that had a profound affect on you. (1 Viewer)

Unequivocally, without a doubt....Platoon...i think it may be the only really good movie Oliver Stone ever just seemed so real to me,

Wall Street
He wrote the screenplay for Midnight Express, but was not the director
Those movies were good. Not great ..didn’t know he wrote the screenplay for midnight express...that of course was a great movie...thanks for the I feel his efforts after the 80s were ...meh...but I’m sure many would disagree
Wizard of Oz-saw it as a kid and it scared me crapless, still won't watch it.

Triumph of the Will- Nazi propaganda film that I felt great after watching even though I know how it ended. Scares me to think a movie leading to WWII and the holocaust could make me feel good.

Batman- A mere man that solved problems with intelligence and wit, used that many times at work. No I didn't beat anyone although there were days I wanted too.
Watching Roots as a 15 year totally changed how I viewed the African American life experience. It came out about the same time as Brian's Song.
The contrast of race relations was so stark.

Dances with Wolves and Schindler's List were also extremely provocative to me.
Add, Born on The Forth of July.
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Good thread!

I watched Saving Private Ryan at the theater & the opening sequence had my heart in my throat. You could really feel how it would be landing on the beach amidst machine gun fire. Just left me breathless. Still one of my favorite movies.

Two others that impacted me were 1) American History X (which has also been mentioned) and 2)The Passion of the Christ (I'm catholic). Each stirred up emotions from inside me. Generally, movies are just entertainment to me.....but every so often, a movie will cause you to reflect on your own life. The ones that tug on you from the inside are different. You don't just feel like, "Oh, what a great movie."'s more like, "Hmmmm, am I doing this life thing correctly?".
After I watched Glengarry Glen Ross, I quit my crappy job and went back to college to finish my degree.
The Exorcist -- I was probably too young to be watching it and it was while I was going to Catholic school getting the fear of God and the Satan programmed into me daily. The terror was so intense, I still don't like horror films especially if they are religiously oriented.

The Breakfast Club -- Hit me at a very vulnerable point in my life and the theme was so spot on and relate-able. Pretty sure Molly Ringwald is why I'm so attracted to redheads now.

Ferris Buellers Day Off -- I lived Cameron Frye's feeling of worthlessness due to his father and it allowed me to recognize much of my anger.
Schindler's List. I watched it when it came out on video as a kid and it was powerful. I've watched it a few times as an adult and it's devastating. The scene with the girl in the red dress is one of Spielberg's best. It's genius because it forces you to focus on one individual little girl. The idea of 12 million people being killed is so unfathomable. It's abstract. But one little girl in a red dress, that's something you can wrap your head around. That scene hits me like a ton of bricks and it brings everything into focus. That happened to so many people. So many real, individual, people.

Also Sophie's Choice. I watched that years ago because I heard Meryl Streep was amazing in it. I didn't know much about the story. The scene where she has to choose is probably the most difficult scene I've ever watched and I'll never watch that movie again.

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest will always stick with me.
Lots of movies already mentioned strike a chord with me...platoon, american history x, glory, wizard of oz (scared the crap out of me when I was a very young kid).

More recently The lives of Others had a very strong impact on me. That movie actually convinced 43 Israeli elite troops to write a letter to Prime Minister refusing to continue monitoring (spying on) Palestinians who were not actually being classified as combatants

Also, Interstellar really struck a chord with me.

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