NCAA > NFL? (1 Viewer)


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Sep 19, 2002
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The Recent Troubles may have converted many of us from NFL-first fans to college-first fans.

For example, it used to seem like nobody cared when the University of Georgia plays UT-Chattanooga. The latter has no good players. It will not be competitive, whereas the NFL has parity. Etc.

But at least UGA and UT-C are two separate organizations, honestly trying to beat each other. Like McDonalds competing with a mom-and-pop burger joint across the street.

But the NFL is like two McDonalds locations having a sales contest. Nobody cares much about who wins, as long as the owner makes money. The managers have some ego invested, but they will get over it if their boss (the owner) is happy. The customers want better burgers but they're not going to get them.
College teams stack their schedules with sub par teams. Even with its faults, the NFL is miles ahead of CFB.
The Recent Troubles may have converted many of us from NFL-first fans to college-first fans.

For example, it used to seem like nobody cared when the University of Georgia plays UT-Chattanooga. The latter has no good players. It will not be competitive, whereas the NFL has parity. Etc.

But at least UGA and UT-C are two separate organizations, honestly trying to beat each other. Like McDonalds competing with a mom-and-pop burger joint across the street.

But the NFL is like two McDonalds locations having a sales contest. Nobody cares much about who wins, as long as the owner makes money. The managers have some ego invested, but they will get over it if their boss (the owner) is happy. The customers want better burgers but they're not going to get them.

Theoretically, coaches and players get fired for performing poorly and rewarded if they excel. Fan support demands the owners to put winners on the field. Heretofore, it's always worked well. The NFL is currently in a funk because of Goodell. It will get squared away and work right again when the clown is gone.
I can tell you that I have more of an interest in college football overall than I do in the NFL now. While there's still big money involved and "powerhouse" conference teams schedule a few cupcake games a year (which mightily benefit the smaller school and in many cases keeps their football programs in the black) it still feels like a more pure version of the same game that's being played in the NFL. I especially prefer the replay rules in college to the crap system in the NFL.

I'm an LSU and Tulane fan. (Yes, that is possible.) I make a point to watch their games whenever possible but can also find myself completely absorbed in a game between Wyoming Cowboy State vs. Mid-South Alabama A&M if it's a good game.
I can tell you that I have more of an interest in college football overall than I do in the NFL now. While there's still big money involved and "powerhouse" conference teams schedule a few cupcake games a year (which mightily benefit the smaller school and in many cases keeps their football programs in the black) it still feels like a more pure version of the same game that's being played in the NFL. I especially prefer the replay rules in college to the crap system in the NFL.

I'm an LSU and Tulane fan. (Yes, that is possible.) I make a point to watch their games whenever possible but can also find myself completely absorbed in a game between Wyoming Cowboy State vs. Mid-South Alabama A&M if it's a good game.
Pure? The NCAA makes more than a few billion without even paying the players.
Even the creator of the “student athlete” system said he was wrong.
Before Jim Mora came to the Saints, I think it was pretty clear that SEC football > NFL football across the Gulf South. They /might/ have been equal during the Mora years.
I love the Saints, but could care less about any other NFL team.

The NFL a league of elite mercenaries, paid in the millions. No team is really an underdog unless you count the point spread because they all have towering gods who leap out of the stadium and run faster than a cough. There are commercials shoved down your throat by players, coaches, teams, the league, etc every waking hour regardless of whether or not it's football season. NFL franchises are worth BILLIONS and still NFL owners continually look for ways to bilk you out of more of your money. They use taxes, bonds, PSLs and then you still have to pay for the tickets. If they do not get the millions they feel they deserve for their monopoly, then they will pick up their team and move to another town. At best the fans cheer for players who care nothing for their city as long as they're being paid to be there. Very few of the players who pass through a franchise actually make their homes there. The season ends, players go back to their lives away from their franchise cities and forget the lives of those fans left behind. It's a cold, dark world that jumps from dollar to dollar and it never makes any bones that it's sole purpose for existing is to remove every penny from you until there is no more to be stripped from your corpse.

College teams at least manage to put on a pretty convincing front that it's about the game. There are only a handful of college football teams actually make money from their program. 11,000+ of kids play FBS football every year, but only dozens make it to a level where they earn money. That doesn't include FCS, Div III< NAIA, etc. athletes. Every kid has the opportunity to earn a college degree and improve their life situation every year. If they get hurt, colleges will honor their scholarship and allow that kid to improve their standing in life with a degree. A connection is made between fan and student athlete and those same kids find employment through that connection if they so choose. You feel a connection with college kids who are still learning their craft. Fans can watch them grow from a young colt to thorough-bread, elite athlete and young man. The best stadiums are the size of entire cities. Schools pass decades of traditions from grandfather to father to son and still new traditions are created every season that those fathers will pass on to their sons and grandsons. Marching bands, drum corps, live mascots, dance teams all rise above the artificially created cheerleaders who are not even part of the franchise in the NFL. Every team has a shot to travel to an unexpected destination and play in the post season one more time before they knock off for the year and look to improve next year. Every year sees turnover of athletes as some look to make their fortunes in professional sports. Some continue down another path in athletics training or coaching. Still, others become leaders and businessmen in the community. All of them return to their schools to contribute and cheer the new blood that followed behind them.

The NFL is that cold, heartless **** of an ex-wife with the fake **** who took half of everything you own when she didn't get her way. College Football is that old girlfriend who is still living in town who always wanted to hold hands and curl up on the couch on the weekends to watch movies and football.
Unless you are Alabama, Clemson, OU, Ohio State or Norte Dame fans, College football basically is to see what meaningless bowl game you're going to.
They both have their not very well hidden agendas. At the end if the day it’s all about the money and not about sports.
Unless you are Alabama, Clemson, OU, Ohio State or Norte Dame fans, College football basically is to see what meaningless bowl game you're going to.
You sound like someone who doesn't watch much college football. You could have fooled us, but you mentioned Notre Dame. Every fan of college football knows that Notre Dame doesn't belong in the same conversation as those other schools.

They're the Dallas Cowboys of college football. They have a huge fan base, so networks will pump them up because it keeps viewers tuned in.
I love college football on saturdays. Well, I used to. I don’t as much for the reasons mentioned in posts 11 and 12. And the SEC has had a bama problem for years. Even Nick Saban didn’t get as much benefit from the league and the refs when he was with LSU as opposed to what he gets at bama now. So that is regrettable that NCAA FBS college football has this problem. People are tired of these “super teams” in college football and the NBA
The NFL is that cold, heartless **** of an ex-wife with the fake **** who took half of everything you own when she didn't get her way. College Football is that old girlfriend who is still living in town who always wanted to hold hands and curl up on the couch on the weekends to watch movies and football.

...I like movies...

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