[Netflix] Daredevil: Season 3 (1 Viewer)

Enjoyed every episode. Can we get a Kingpin spin off? I would watch him just take over the city.

They set it up for the next season/villian but who knows if it will be on Netflix or Disney.
I will say this...

1. Definitely the best of the Marvel series, without a doubt.
2. I was all in the feels when Dex killed Padre.
3. Episode 10, while good, was not needed. I really wish they would stop with the fluff episodes.
4. Vanessa is fine as hell. Anyone thinking she turns on Winston and takes over the empire?
5. I saw a few people on the interwebs express anger about Maggie being Matt's mom. Obviously, they never read the comic.
6. Was I the only one hoping that the final battle would've had Matt in the black DD costume?
Some of my thoughts - spoilers for the entire season.

I actually didn't know Bullseye's real name, so that made the reveal so much cooler
I did know Maggie was Matt's mother, and was wondering if they were just leaving that out or what
I actually liked the Bullseye and Karen background episodes
The whole season felt different - almost more narrative. It worked well.
The neti pot fixing his equilibrium was kinda weird to me though. Like...has he not sneezed or anything?

To your #6 - I was thinking we'd see some variant of that bladed costume I had linked in the first post. I suppose the Muay Thai Ropes were the best we were going to get.

I'm sure there's more, I'll have to add on later.
Some of my thoughts - spoilers for the entire season.

I actually didn't know Bullseye's real name, so that made the reveal so much cooler
I did know Maggie was Matt's mother, and was wondering if they were just leaving that out or what
I actually liked the Bullseye and Karen background episodes
The whole season felt different - almost more narrative. It worked well.
The neti pot fixing his equilibrium was kinda weird to me though. Like...has he not sneezed or anything?

To your #6 - I was thinking we'd see some variant of that bladed costume I had linked in the first post. I suppose the Muay Thai Ropes were the best we were going to get.

I'm sure there's more, I'll have to add on later.

I didn't realize Bullseye has gone by Pointdexter either. I had not really watched the previews, so I had no idea until the "baseball" scene that the agent was going to end up being Bullseye. The hat logo sorta gave that away.

I did know Maggie was his mom and was wondering if they weren't going to go that route. I found the way he found out to be powerful and emotional, but mostly his talk with the Father Lantom In a way, it really felt like it was an allegory of sorts to the child abuse scandal in the church. "All this talk of truth".

I enjoyed the overall theme of people being flawed, but it's never too late to redeem some aspect of yourself.

I liked the background episodes too. For a bit, I was getting annoyed with the Karen one. Maybe it would have been better much earlier in the season. Because, both of those background stories (as well as the short bit for Sister Maggie), really did a lot to explain how these characters ticked. The Dex one was better done, because it also showed us how good Kingpin was at reading people and pushing their buttons to manipulate them. Some of his schemes seemed to be over a year in the making (like with the female FBI SAC)

I won't lie.. I missed DD being in a proper suit. I understand him going back to the old one, and it made telling him apart from Dex easier. Which, was a nice capstone when the NYPD Detective Mahoney said, "that's not Daredevil" "how do you know?" "Because that guy is!"

I actually did wonder how Karen's brother died. I always assumed it was a suicide based on things she had said. man, it was so much worse. Explains why her father didn't want her there. I was very confused why he was holding a grudge. I do think her scene would have played better earlier in the season to make that moment where she calls her dad for help have more impact.

I sort of wondered if DD had Dex turn on Fisk so that Dex would kill Fisk for DD. That way he'd still not be a murderer. I guess it was more to clear his name and maybe thin out the security.
I will say this...

1. Definitely the best of the Marvel series, without a doubt.
2. I was all in the feels when Dex killed Padre.
3. Episode 10, while good, was not needed. I really wish they would stop with the fluff episodes.
4. Vanessa is fine as hell. Anyone thinking she turns on Winston and takes over the empire?
5. I saw a few people on the interwebs express anger about Maggie being Matt's mom. Obviously, they never read the comic.
6. Was I the only one hoping that the final battle would've had Matt in the black DD costume?

3, 4 and 6, I am strongly with you.
Are we good to go over the spoiler wall now?
Dude, Full Metal Jacket was the only thing I knew him from.
He played Orson Welles in Ed Wood, Edgar (giant roach) in Men in Black and a main character in Law & Order: Criminal Intent. His character in L&O is very good. D'onofrio is $$$.
I just finished season 3 last night. Man, what an awesome show. Even as good as the other Netflix Marvel shows are, this one seems to rise above them all. I don't know how they'll top this season, but I can't wait to find out. It's too bad the wait is so long. There were a couple of times that I yelled out, "holy shirt!" Since I've never read the comics, some things that readers know are fresh to me and come as a surprise. It's a fun way to experience the show. And I'm hoping that we get a new costume in season 4. He's got a good reason to have a new look.
I just finished season 3 last night. Man, what an awesome show. Even as good as the other Netflix Marvel shows are, this one seems to rise above them all. I don't know how they'll top this season, but I can't wait to find out. It's too bad the wait is so long. There were a couple of times that I yelled out, "holy shirt!" Since I've never read the comics, some things that readers know are fresh to me and come as a surprise. It's a fun way to experience the show. And I'm hoping that we get a new costume in season 4. He's got a good reason to have a new look.
not knowing how much DD will have to carry the non-JJ Defenders in the DD show
next season is set up as DD vs robo-Bullseye
i like that they made a good deal of DD barely being ambulatory and that being a main reason that Bullseye was able to beat him
now it will be a recovered DD (despite the 16 quadrillion concussions he must have) and an enhanced Bullseye
DD is far and away the best of the Marvel Netflix series, and IMHO, the best series Netflix has produced, period. And while not really fair to compare a series to films because of the time difference for development, this series outshines nearly every one of the Marvel films as well.

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