New Orleans And the All Star Game... (1 Viewer)

I know more than a few people who see it the same way. And there are also people like you that will get fired up for the curling championship on ESPN 8.

That's the beauty of this world, it takes differnet strokes for sifferent folks.

I suspect I am making your point for you, but I don't really like basketball and I LOVE watching curling (I don't know why - probably because it comes on at 3AM during the olympics and I'm drunk while watching it).

And, of course, everything is better on the Ocho.
Maybe I'm missing the point, but what does the Hornets regular season attendance have to do with the All Star game? The All Star game will be filled to capacity and really has nothing to do with the Hornets other than using their home court. People will come from out of town to watch and even the casual NBA fans In New Orleans will turn out to see Lebron and Kobe and the rest of the All Stars.
Maybe I'm missing the point, but what does the Hornets regular season attendance have to do with the All Star game? The All Star game will be filled to capacity and really has nothing to do with the Hornets other than using their home court. People will come from out of town to watch and even the casual NBA fans In New Orleans will turn out to see Lebron and Kobe and the rest of the All Stars.

My point with the all star game is, because were hosting the game this year, the media will use this extra attention to take shots at our attendance. They'll also throw in the their two cents saying the Hornets don't belong here. I know the game will sell out.
My point with the all star game is, because were hosting the game this year, the media will use this extra attention to take shots at our attendance. They'll also throw in the their two cents saying the Hornets don't belong here. I know the game will sell out.

I doubt with all the events going on All Star weekend and the Katrina stories that they focus any attention on the regular season attendence of the Hornets. It's still a couple months away and I may be wrong, but I don't think anyone really cares about the host team during All Star weekend. Maybe the host city, but not the team.
I cant stand NBA games. I go to watch a game, not attend a circus.

The constant bombardment of music, shouting dj's with mics, tshirt tosses, etc. There isnt one moment of the game that isnt sponsored by someone. Entergy Three Point Power Play! Get out you Capital One debit cards!

There isn't a moment's peace where I can just watch a game.
George Shinn speaks out about the attendance issue: ,
One would think that as much as the NBA is doing for this community this would not be an issue. But, clearly, individuals in this area have NO sense of civic or community pride and could careless if the NBA or the Hornets are in New Orleans. It's an embarrassment and ashamed.
You certainly have your opinion, but the numbers of people in the stands at Hornets games say that you are clearly detached from reality...

Aaah, I don't think I'm that far off the mark...if you look at the video you are witnessing the owner of New Orleans' NBA franchise questioning whether or not people want the team here...He directly says, well, "If the people don't want us here..." It is completely humiliating and embarrassing. I'm so embarrassed for the sports fans of this city and all citizens of this area. We are really dropping the ball on this one. It's disgusting. As said, I'm so proud that New Orleans is the home of TWO pro teams, but, unfortunately, there is one we could careless about....I just wish people could appreciate and love both as I do. But, in New Orleans, we just stick to things that we think of as "ours," And New Orleans simply doesn't think that the Hornets are "ours." And what gripes my butt is they ARE our team. It is OUR NBA team. And if we let this one go, we will never have the NBA least not in my life time. And that is sad. Because I am glad the NBA is in New Orleans and I'm glad that we are represented in the NBA. We built our arena for the NBA...they told us to build the damn thing and they would come and they did...then Katrina hit and they have put forth much more than the NFL (and I'm not knocking the NFL..I'm a Saints fan). But, the NFL won't give us a Superbowl. They will never play another Superbowl in the Dome...not even in spite of Katrina. Because they know that Benson wants a new stadium. But, the NBA has put forth everything. And they have given us the All Star game, which is larger than a Superbowl. And New Orleans doesn't give jack crap. We don't care. We don't appreciate it...we can't even go the the games of our own NBA team. It is just sickening to me. I'm so embarrassed for the populace of this area by our support of the Hornets. And on top of that, we have a great NBA team. The media is going to crucify us as the All Star game approaches, and as said, we deserve's our fault. Not mine..I'm there, but you know who you are. Shame on those that won't support an organization that is committing so much to our area. And the only reason they are doing it is because it is the right thing to do. And we could careless. The media will blast us for our lack of support, and it is completely justified.
New Orleans should be embarrased. Tickets are $10 dollars, and this is a great team. How many American cities can say that they have both a NBA and NFL team. Where is the civic pride? Yeah George Shinn is a joke, and the OKC thing was a bunch crap, but the team is back now. Do you want New Orleans to be known as the city the lost TWO NBA teams? The tickets are cheap and the games are fun. How can you go support a gimmick game like Arena Football (adding more money to Tom Benson pockets), and not support the NBA.

Oh yeah, how can yall forget about Benson flirting with San Antonio, and New Mexico? Tom Benson has flirted with other cities ever since he became the owner.

Go watch the team play because they are good and the represent New Orleans. That's the only reason why I follow the Saints. I hate giving Tom Benson money, he is just as bad as Shinn. However the Saints represent New Orleans and so do the Hornets. Stop being so simple minded. The Saints are not the only team in town. When you support the Hornets, you are supporting New Orleans.
Aaah, I don't think I'm that far off the mark...if you look at the video you are witnessing the owner of New Orleans' NBA franchise questioning whether or not people want the team here...He directly says, well, "If the people don't want us here..." It is completely humiliating and embarrassing. I'm so embarrassed for the sports fans of this city and all citizens of this area. We are really dropping the ball on this one. It's disgusting. As said, I'm so proud that New Orleans is the home of TWO pro teams, but, unfortunately, there is one we could careless about....I just wish people could appreciate and love both as I do. But, in New Orleans, we just stick to things that we think of as "ours," And New Orleans simply doesn't think that the Hornets are "ours." And what gripes my butt is they ARE our team. It is OUR NBA team. And if we let this one go, we will never have the NBA least not in my life time. And that is sad. Because I am glad the NBA is in New Orleans and I'm glad that we are represented in the NBA. We built our arena for the NBA...they told us to build the damn thing and they would come and they did...then Katrina hit and they have put forth much more than the NFL (and I'm not knocking the NFL..I'm a Saints fan). But, the NFL won't give us a Superbowl. They will never play another Superbowl in the Dome...not even in spite of Katrina. Because they know that Benson wants a new stadium. But, the NBA has put forth everything. And they have given us the All Star game, which is larger than a Superbowl. And New Orleans doesn't give jack crap. We don't care. We don't appreciate it...we can't even go the the games of our own NBA team. It is just sickening to me. I'm so embarrassed for the populace of this area by our support of the Hornets. And on top of that, we have a great NBA team. The media is going to crucify us as the All Star game approaches, and as said, we deserve's our fault. Not mine..I'm there, but you know who you are. Shame on those that won't support an organization that is committing so much to our area. And the only reason they are doing it is because it is the right thing to do. And we could careless. The media will blast us for our lack of support, and it is completely justified.

No, I agree, most people here are apathetic towards the NBA.

What I found ridiculous is you saying we have "NO sense of civic or community pride". Pretty bold statement.... Some people just don't have the time, money, or interest to follow basketball. You can't fault them for that. You can't force people to attend games.
But, clearly, individuals in this area have NO sense of civic or community pride and could careless if the NBA or the Hornets are in New Orleans. It's an embarrassment and ashamed.


But, the NBA has put forth everything. And they have given us the All Star game, which is larger than a Superbowl. And New Orleans doesn't give jack crap. We don't care. We don't appreciate it...we can't even go the the games of our own NBA team.


look, you can't force people to like doesn't say anything about the city or the people because they are not interested.....

the people who brought the hornets here are the ones who should be embarassed.......terrible business decision

New Orleans should be embarrased. Tickets are $10 dollars, and this is a great team. How many American cities can say that they have both a NBA and NFL team. Where is the civic pride? Yeah George Shinn is a joke, and the OKC thing was a bunch crap, but the team is back now. Do you want New Orleans to be known as the city the lost TWO NBA teams? The tickets are cheap and the games are fun. How can you go support a gimmick game like Arena Football (adding more money to Tom Benson pockets), and not support the NBA.

new orleans should not be embarrassed.....if we don't like basketball, then we just don't like it.....i am not ashamed of that......

people support arena football because, well because it is FOOTBALL

Go watch the team play because they are good and the represent New Orleans. That's the only reason why I follow the Saints. I hate giving Tom Benson money, he is just as bad as Shinn. However the Saints represent New Orleans and so do the Hornets. Stop being so simple minded. The Saints are not the only team in town. When you support the Hornets, you are supporting New Orleans.

why is it simpled minded to not care about the hornets???
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It does show a lack of community support and is simple-minded to not support a group that is investing millions into our community right now. They deserve the support. Every single NBA team that visits New Orleans this year is required to do community service while they are in the city...they are building playgrounds in every single neighborhood. And they are bringing the All Star game. You don't have to be crazy about basketball to attend a game. It's not like you are visiting hell. It's actually fun. Typical attitude that I expected to come across from people that live in New Orleans. It never surprises. I still love living here, don't get me wrong....
And the All Star game IS larger than a Superbowl and pumps more money into a community than a Superbowl...that comes straight from Doug Thorton...however, I wouldn't mind a Superbowl, either, but, that won't happen again in the Dome, unfortunately. It would be a sign from the NFL that they don't support Benson's desire for a new stadium or believe that the Dome is actually worthwhile, which they don't.

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