NFL gave Vilma a sworn affidavit from Gregg Williams stating Vilma offered $10k to knock out Favre (1 Viewer)

Jeff Duncan is already all over it...

I guess that would qualify as "evidence."
I'm sure Vilma already has sworn under oath that this did not happen, somebody is lying and I don't think its Vilma.
That's pretty darned incriminating if true. Still, you've got multiple sworn testimonies from players directly disputing this. Where do we go from here, I wonder.
And we have, what, 4 people that swore under oath this is not true.
Don't we have something like 8 sworn affidavits from various coaches and players saying that he didn't?
So the guy that has to follow exact guidelines set forth by Goodell to be reinstated suddenly turns in some evidence that's already been contradicted by players under oath. Seems legit.

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