NFL gave Vilma a sworn affidavit from Gregg Williams stating Vilma offered $10k to knock out Favre (1 Viewer)

And how did the media get this tidbit of info? It was planted by a bigmouth at NFL HQ to try and sway public opinion. That affidavit is worthless if Williams isn't there to vet it and they know that. And now we know why he went "hiking" in Thailand...Pathetic.
Much like the Hargrove statement where he "admitted" to lying, I think we need to see this piece of paper to know what it really says. Could be "I gave Vilma $10K to waive around and use a prop to motivate the players. At no point did we ever intend for it to be used as a 'bounty' or to actually pay someone to hurt another player."
So can the NFL bring Gregg Williams to the stand and swear in the court of law that Vilma did offer 10,000 to knock Farve out. I'll be waiting on the day that happens until then the so called sworn statment by Williams is BS.
If this were in court, where I'm guessing it's headed, it would be problematic to have multiple sworn statements saying opposing things. Someone could get in terrible trouble.

Gregg Williams is never coaching in the NFL again regardless. No player is going to play for a guy they don't trust.
So the guy that has to follow exact guidelines set forth by Goodell to be reinstated suddenly turns in some evidence that's already been contradicted by players under oath. Seems legit.

Either way, it'll be shocking to me if he works in the NFL again as anything other than a position coach, and that would shock me also.

Even if he is telling the truth, he is poison to a locker room for the rest of his life. Would you want to play for a guy who would narc you out, especially to the degree of a sworn affadavit when that guy was the one who initiated and encouraged the activity to begin with??
He said/she said. Where is the EVIDENCE. A sworn affidavit by someone who is being held hostage by the NFL for his future career (Williams) as well as an "admittance" by a repeat drug offender that the the NFL controls his future career (Hargrove). Seeing a trend? Where is the EVIDENCE!!!!
That's pretty darned incriminating if true. Still, you've got multiple sworn testimonies from players directly disputing this. Where do we go from here, I wonder.

It would be incriminating if Greg Williams had not "coincidentally"decided to go backpacking in the mountains of Thailand. and then Africa A lawyer and judge cannot cross-examine an affidavit, which is why sworn statements in court carry much, much more weight. You'll note that Greg Williams decided to "go backpacking" in one of the most remote, unreachable places on earth so he may or may not (depending on what the league wants, I'm sure) be able to make it back in time for a court or summons.

Yes, in all seriousness, if you have not read about it, Greg Williams has gone backpacking in the mountains of Thailand and then he is going to Africa. If he wants, he can conveniently be unreachable for legal purposes. Looks like the NFL is one step of Ginsberg, and is making sure that Greg is out of the country so they can't put him on the stand and cross examine him.
I seen this coming Goodell needed someone who have everything to lose to give in and Greg Williams was perfect.
What I find odd about this situation... No one has seen or heard anything from Williams...I wonder why......? :scratch:
Williams will sign anything to get back in the league, if he didn't he would lose his job for life.
Either way, it'll be shocking to me if he works in the NFL again as anything other than a position coach, and that would shock me alos.

Even if he is telling the truth, he is poison to a locker room for the rest of his life. Would you want to play for a guy who would narc you out, especially to the degree of a sworn affadavit when that guy was the one who initiated and encouraged the activity to begin with??

I totally agree with your point, but from Williams' point of view, isn't the chance of getting some sort of NFL job better than the certainty of never being reinstated?
Mort just reported on NFL 32 that the same affidavit says there was a PfP program but no pay to injure incentives.

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