NFL likely to consider judgment challenge with penalty disincentive (1 Viewer)

It's pathetic that this multi-billion dollar industry only addresses the most obvious issues with the game and league when something catastrophic happens like what happened to us in the NFCCG. They've been talking about reviewing no calls on PI for years now, but are only actually going to address it now that they have to. Screw the shield. Thank God Payton is on the competition committee and you know he's not going to let this one go without something happening to force the league to at least make an attempt to get this right. Otherwise, it'd be out of sight out, of mind by the time the meetings happen.
ESPN has been saying Coleman “appeared” to be early in all their articles about it, which is hilarious and shows how they’re part of the NFL’s PR campaign.

Why does their need to be a penalty if the team is wrong? You only get 3 challenges anyway. If you want to use one on a judgment call, then so be it.

The game gets slowed down all the time in games where there are lots of reviewable calls on turnovers or scoring plays. No one cares. But the league and or fans act like a coach challenging a PI is going to add an extra hour to the game.

Some of the crazy 50-50 college games are slow as all get out because they do so many reviews, pass so many times, and change possessions so often. I don’t feel like there’s some huge portion of people saying they can’t watch those games. People love football.
Maybe they don’t want to allow such things to be reviewed because it hinders the referees’ control of the point spread.
ESPN has been saying Coleman “appeared” to be early in all their articles about it, which is hilarious and shows how they’re part of the NFL’s PR campaign.

Why does their need to be a penalty if the team is wrong? You only get 3 challenges anyway. If you want to use one on a judgment call, then so be it.

The game gets slowed down all the time in games where there are lots of reviewable calls on turnovers or scoring plays. No one cares. But the league and or fans act like a coach challenging a PI is going to add an extra hour to the game.

Some of the crazy 50-50 college games are slow as all get out because they do so many reviews, pass so many times, and change possessions so often. I don’t feel like there’s some huge portion of people saying they can’t watch those games. People love football.
Agree. Why is it up to the coaches to challenge an egregious miss call by an official? The NFL needs to acknowledge that the college system works best, adopt it and expand it to include PI and perhaps other penalties. I'd be willing to bet that the college game is not significantly slowed due to the review system they run. And even if the game is slowed by a couple of minutes, isn't that a small price to pay to ensure the right call is made on the field?

The NFL can improve their system if they want to. We'll have to wait and see if they have the brass to do it.
Let's be honest here. If that type of challenge existed Payton would have had to use it before that no-call. And as it was inside 2 minutes he probably wouldn't have been allowed to use it anyway.

The NFL will never change the rules to stop them from being able to influence games via refs.
ESPN has been saying Coleman “appeared” to be early in all their articles about it, which is hilarious and shows how they’re part of the NFL’s PR campaign.

Why does their need to be a penalty if the team is wrong? You only get 3 challenges anyway. If you want to use one on a judgment call, then so be it.

The game gets slowed down all the time in games where there are lots of reviewable calls on turnovers or scoring plays. No one cares. But the league and or fans act like a coach challenging a PI is going to add an extra hour to the game.

Some of the crazy 50-50 college games are slow as all get out because they do so many reviews, pass so many times, and change possessions so often. I don’t feel like there’s some huge portion of people saying they can’t watch those games. People love football.
The league acts like they don't already use the replay official in the booth to decide intentional grounding calls. The flags for that are rarely ever thrown right when the pass is thrown. The replay official in the booth checks to see if the QB was out of the pocket, if the ball crossed the line of scrimmage and if there was a receiver in the area. Just because the refs are huddled up and talking doesn't mean they're making the final decision on the call since there's no way they could possibly be certain of all the moving parts on that penalty and they rely on the replay official now. Funny how they never seem to get that call wrong now too, when they'd often screw it up before there was a replay official in the booth. The same could be done for pass interference and the game wouldn't be slowed down at all. It would take a replay official like 20 seconds to review the call or no call.
And even if the game is slowed by a couple of minutes, isn't that a small price to pay to ensure the right call is made on the field?

This is the follow-up question that seems to NEVER come when a Sports analyst, commentator, anchor, etc., breaks out that sorry excuse for not allowing more plays to be reviewable, or otherwise allowing for more time to get the calls right.

I don't know a single fan of football that would be willing to take crappy officiating in exchange for knocking a few minutes off a football game. I do know MANY fans of football, that are sick and tired of having to get through 2 minutes of commercials after every 5 minutes of football.
Since people keep saying he "appeared to hit him early" I don't focus on the PI non call in my discussions, I just state the non call of helmet to helmet, defensive player penalty, There is NO excuse, no judgement, no way the refs didn't see it, everyone else did. There is no defending that helmet to helmet on a defensive player should not have been called. There was no judgement to be made on the helmet to helmet call, doesn't matter where the ball was, IT WAS A PENALTY CLEAR FOR ALL TO SEE
NFL needs to consider getting rid of that waste of skin they call a commissioner.

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