Only got to watch the 1st half but... (1 Viewer)


VIP Contributor
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
It seemed like we were constantly getting killed on the play action. Did we do better in the second half with that??? I know we pretty much shut down their offense in the 2nd half but was it b/c they were playing not to lose???

Also it seemed like the real reason we lost was b/c of turnovers and penalties ( and I know i'm not splitting the atom here), not sure if that's b/c of the BYE week or what but hopefully we can correct those.
What we were killed on is comeback routes. Thomas and McKenzie got scorched on comeback routes all game, particularly by Derrick was depressing.
What we were killed on is comeback routes. Thomas and McKenzie got scorched on comeback routes all game, particularly by Derrick was depressing.

I agree. Comeback routes are all about timing and giving the QB time to throw the ball. McNair, for the most part, had an eternity to sit back and wait for these routes to develop. Grant it, some of them were bootlegs which may have nullified some of the rush and blitz packages being utilized. I've said it in another post and I;ll say it here, I just don't see Gibbs utilizing blitzes that much and I think it hurts the D. Sure, he sends in a couple of LBs every now and then but uses no corner or safeties, at least not over the last few games. I'm just confused a lot on what they're trying to do defensively.

Even with the poor D play, the Saints lost yesterday because they turned the ball over 5 times, committed something like 10 penalties (on Baltimore's first TD drive, it was aided by a number of stupid penalties), and handed the Ravens two TDs on interception returns. You can't beat anyone in this league (with he exception of AZ) that way.

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