Options for Win 98 Machine - Linux (which version?) (1 Viewer)

Pure Energy

Rethink Everything
Aug 24, 2002
Reaction score
Somerset County NJ (via St. Mary Parish)
I have a Win 98 machine. It's an AMD 650mgz / 384 megs / 30 gig 7200 Hard drive. It cost over $3,000 back when I bought it way back in 1999. Anyway, lately I notice more and more programs no longer work with Win98. I'm thinking of coverting to Linux. This machine is primarily used by my kids to play Nick Jr. and PBS Kids games.

Anyone have any ideas on how to do convert to Linux? Which version to use? Is this a good Idea?
You're seeing more incompatibile apps, so you're going to switch to an OS with even less support by consumer apps?
You're seeing more incompatibile apps, so you're going to switch to an OS with even less support by consumer apps?

I dont think Linux has even less support... Flavors like Ubuntu have such a large community support system, that you could probably get Ubuntu running on a calculator watch with their help*.

*not really
I wouldn't go for the puppylinux. It's more for really old systems.

An AMD 650 w/384Mb Ram will run any Linux distro you want. I would stay with something Debian based. That includes Debian, Ubuntu, Mepis, Knoppix, etc.

I don't know, but aren't the NickJR and PBS Kids games all flash driven web games?
Even if not, as long as it's not super dependant on DirectX, it should run fine on Linux through WINE.
Another great WINE resource is Frank's Corner.

Ubuntu is really rolling right now. Do not buy into the "no support" bru-ha. Ubuntu (as well as most others) is very well supported.
You can generally find any answer you need in the Ubuntu Forums.

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