Payton on NFL Radio (11/20) (1 Viewer)


miles away
Gold VIP Contributor
Oct 31, 2005
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Pensacola, FL
Sorry didn't get to this earlier (work got in the way, imagine that)...

Usually he's on for 15 to 20 minutes, today was a much shorter segment (I'm guessing barely 10 minutes). After the interview, both hosts (Cris Carter and I forget who the other guy was today) said that Payton may be the most frank and open HC they know when it comes to discussing his team.

Nothing really earth-shattering in his comments, pretty much what you'd expect and not much different from his post-game comments yesterday:

SIRIUS - what's your initial take on yesterday's game?
SP - I haven't looked at all the tape yet, but too many mistakes to beat anyone.

SIRIUS - what is the difference in your team over the past month?
SP - turnovers, it's hard enough to win on any given Sunday, but turnovers negate anything good you do.

SIRIUS - Colston status?
SP - I don't think it's too bad, haven't heard the dreaded "high ankle sprain" used, will know more later today, hope to have him for Atlanta.

SIRIUS - something about the offense not being balanced
SP - I won't stand pat and just hope that things work out just because we've been moving the ball. We've got alot of things to discuss.

I've got alot of concerns about the back end of the defense. Too many blown coverages last week and this week. Receivers running 7 and 8 yards behind everyone. It's tough to swallow.

We've got to look at the red zone offense. Inside the 10 three times and coming away with only three points is very frustrating.

SIRIUS - Carter tried to make the point that in losing 3 of the last 4, the bright side is that they were all out of conference losses and that the Saints still control their destiny, just that they've lost the cushion built up the first 2 months of the season.

Payton sort of agreed, but "we are what we are, a 6-4 team". We are capable of winning all 6 of our remaining games, but if we don't clean things up, we can lose all 6. There's alot of football left, alot of football left. But it is unsettling, it is concerning. It's the first time we've lost 2 in a row.

SIRIUS - silver lining in Seattle, Green Bay, St Louis, and Atlanta all losing this week.
SP - We need to take care of things in house before looking at other teams.

SIRIUS - Cris Carter predicts that the New Year's Eve game will be for the division.
SP - Hopefully we can recognize the opportunity is there, and that we can get into position to do so. But right now, the number I see is minus 3. It's a number that's hard to overcome, and we're not going to win very many games unless we correct that.

As always, if anyone else listened, feel free to add or correct any mistakes I may have made.
Sounds serious, upset, and not pumping sunshine. Good. Team needs to be ****** off. They could use a little bit of an edge back.
Sounds serious, upset, and not pumping sunshine. Good. Team needs to be ****** off. They could use a little bit of an edge back.

He was definitely "reserved" and sounded p.o.'ed. Usually a bit more talkative, today all his answers were very short, and he kept coming back to the turnovers.
Thanks for the recap.

Keeping my fingers crossed on Colston -- and it's nice to hear some encouraging speculation that it isn't serious.
Great recap, many thanks.

BTW, that "we are what we are" comments is almost straight undiluted Parcells, in response to a past-year question as to whether his injured/underachieving Cowboys were actually a better team than what they were showing: "You are what your record says you are." Great line, and the more I think about it, the more I go to it when I try to assess how good we/other teams are.
Great recap, many thanks.

BTW, that "we are what we are" comments is almost straight undiluted Parcells, in response to a past-year question as to whether his injured/underachieving Cowboys were actually a better team than what they were showing: "You are what your record says you are." Great line, and the more I think about it, the more I go to it when I try to assess how good we/other teams are.

I think it's an important mentality. Pittsburgh and Cinncinati aren't "moral" victories. They're as much a loss as if we got blown out 52-3 in the grand scheme of things.
He was definitely "reserved" and sounded p.o.'ed. Usually a bit more talkative, today all his answers were very short, and he kept coming back to the turnovers.

Sounds serious, upset, and not pumping sunshine. Good. Team needs to be ****** off. They could use a little bit of an edge back.

That's the distinct impression I got when I listened. One has to believe that this will be a very intense week of practice.
Thanks Wahoo. I'm on vaca this week so slept in and missed it. Glad to read Payton's as sick as we are about the turnovers. Now to correct them.
He also said, no 6 win teams make it to the playoffs, got to have at least 7. He prefixed saying that with " I don't mean to sound funny".
Mucho Thanks for the update! Hard to get anything but the bobblehead , media, so-called, punditocracy on NFLN or SC or whatever!

This Coach is saying the things I need to hear about MY TEAM and I LIKES IT!

Keep those updates coming PLEASE! Greatly appreciated.

Happy Thanksgiving while we're at it! CHEERS!

Dr. D!
i enjoyed hearing a coach acknowledge one of the things that drive me crazy: Receivers running 7 and 8 yards behind everyone. It's tough to swallow.
Payton may be the most frank and open HC they know when it comes to discussing his team
That's what I like about him. I hope he doesn't lose this quality, it stands him apart. I kinda didn't like what he had to say immediatley after the game yesterday but I liked better what he had to say in this interview. Esp. this "I won't stand pat and just hope that things work out just because we've been moving the ball."
Payton may be the most frank and open HC they know when it comes to discussing his team.

Absolutely. And I can't begin to praise him enough for how refreshing that is amongst the coaching fraternity that think the average fan can barely tie his shoes in the morning.

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