Payton was right about our turnover ratio (1 Viewer)


1 day I'll add a second Lombardi to my pic. 1 day.
Jun 22, 2002
Reaction score
Sooner or later it's gonna bite us in the butt he said, and he was right.

Arghh, I have never seen a defense force so few turnovers as ours.

Watch Big Ben go back to throwing 3 picks next week. Come on guys, force some freaking turnover.

Oh, and cut Copper.
Sorry, but this game wasn't the defense's fault. You don't turn the ball over three times on the road against the defending world champions and expect to win. Yeah, let's cut Copper, who scored today.
Well, giving up 200 yards running to Parker doesn't hurt.

Granted, we were still in the game, but...
Was it Copper's fault that Deuce was on the sideline for half the game? Was it Copper's fault that Billy Miller fumbled the ball? Was it Copper's fault that Carney missed a field goal?
Sooner or later it's gonna bite us in the butt he said, and he was right.

Arghh, I have never seen a defense force so few turnovers as ours.

Watch Big Ben go back to throwing 3 picks next week. Come on guys, force some freaking turnover.

I agree, look at my thread titled turnover margin. I have some stats supporting Coach Payton's concerns.

Also, don't be so bitter about Copper. C'mon support your Saints he is a backup for crying out loud.
I wll give you this, Jason Craft has looked bad in every defense he's played in with the Saints.
There's enough choking to go around for the whole team. The Saints snatched defeat from the jaws of victory today.

they have the ability to be a champion, but no one is going to roll over for them.
You can't turn the ball over that many times and expect to win football games with any consistency. Bush's fumble came at the worst time. However, we had chances to make plays and missed out on them. This is an explosive team that must maintain consistency in order to win.
Here is what I saw.....

Brees, Colston, Deuce, and the O-line played their hearts out today....

Copper played well most of the game but then made the mistakes that NFL players shouldn't make.

Bush needs to hold onto the d**n ball.

The secondary was horrible, especially on 3rd down.

The run D couldn't stop Parker when they really needed to.

No pressure on Ben, especially on 3rd down.

Payton should have challenged the 1st qtr fumble (not Bush's).

Hope we don't regret giving this one away.

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