PC will not boot (power issue) (1 Viewer)


Boo Boo Bear
Dec 13, 2001
Reaction score
Right chere

I just put together a Frankenstein, but I am having a problem with the power.

It's an H55H-M MB. I'm trying to find a pic of the wiring, but I can only find the pdf of the entire manual here (page 28).

All of the wiring seems to be right, but I cannot get any power except for the backlight for the power switch. The power supply, case and CPU fan do not work. I thought I may have had the HD LED, Reset, Front panel power and power switch hooked up wrong, but I have played with that for a while and still nothing.

I just bought the case the other day and I am wondering if that's the problem, but if the backlight for the power switch works, then there must be some other problem.

Try jumping your mobo by touching pin 6&8 of the F_PANEL with a medal paper clip. Just to rule out power button issue
Try pulling the PWR_SW leads off, turn it around, and plug it back in again.

Also make sure the 4 pin plug is connected, and double check the CMOS jumper. Ive run into brand new boards with that jumper in the wrong position before.
Try pulling the PWR_SW leads off, turn it around, and plug it back in again.

Also make sure the 4 pin plug is connected, and double check the CMOS jumper. Ive run into brand new boards with that jumper in the wrong position before.

I tried that with all 4 of them thinking that the +/- were wrong, but still no luck.

Here's the thing I am trying to isolate though. If the front power light goes on, that means that the power supply is at least powering that up, but I don't see the PS fan, CPU or case fan go on. Does that basically mean that the PS is working and I am just a big dummy and can't get the wiring right?

Would the CMOS jumper actually cause this sort of problem? There's no OS on the sytem at all and this new system has never been used before. It's all brand new.

I've probably put together a good 300 pcs in my life time and have never come across this issue. Then again, it has been a good 8 years since I have built one and maybe lost my touch.
Try pulling the PWR_SW leads off, turn it around, and plug it back in again.

This is only relevant for LEDs, which are polarized. Power and Reset switches only short two wires together.
It's a bad case. Right out of the box bad. Getting it replaced tomorrow. At least I know I wasn't going senile. Thanks y'all.
Ok, a belated update.

I took it back to the store and they tested it and found nothing wrong. He was basically giving me the "sorry about your luck" attitude and wasn't very helpful. I took it back home and kept it in the box until last night.

I was two parts shy of really getting this thing built. That's why I left it for so long. I needed a DVD RW and a SSD HDD (64g). I will use the SSD for the OS and main apps/games and use a 1tb for storage. I got the DVD RW and installed it. I still wasn't ready to build it, but I was also curious to see if I could figure out the power issue. Oh boy was I stupid. There's a theme here.:covri:

When I originally posted this, I had completely forgotten to install the standoffs. I installed those when I installed the DVD RW. Whoopee it powered!!!!!!! I got excited enough to see how far into an install I could get. Before I knew it I was updating drivers and surfing the net.

So, was it the standoffs the entire time? Was there some sort of sensor that recognizes that and does not allow power to the machine if it's not assembled correctly? It's been a good 6 yrs since my last Frankenstein, but I don't remember that feature.

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