Peyton vs. the Boys (1 Viewer)

Dec 9, 2004
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Somewhere between here and there
OK I think it goes without saying that in their preseason meeting Peyton kept his cards close to the vest.

How important will Peyton's knowledge of Romo be in this game. I have a feeling that Peyton knows alot about how to disrupt Romo's game. I wouldn't put much thought into it if Peyton was a defensive coach, but OC/QB coach for Romo?

Romo may be exposed in more ways than he can handle after playing the Saints.
Payton should have the saints pumped up and ready to go in a playoff type atmosphere!
Peyton Manning already lost to the Cowboys, and I don't think he knew a lot more about Romo then any other player in the league. I don't think he ever coached Romo.
Maybe stick to Sean...

We are in week 12 and can't get the coaches name correct. Wow.
You people lead sad lives if it really bothers you that I typed Peyton instead of Payton.

It's kinda funny actually, like the class dork that picks apart peopls spelling or grammer just so they can be in the conversation, because they obviously have nothing of substance to add to the topic.

Better hurry, the last bell for 4th period is about to ring, don't want to be late.
You people lead sad lives if it really bothers you that I typed Peyton instead of Payton.

It's kinda funny actually, like the class dork that picks apart peopls spelling or grammer just so they can be in the conversation, because they obviously have nothing of substance to add to the topic.

Better hurry, the last bell for 4th period is about to ring, don't want to be late.

Doesn't bother me in the least. I find it amusing.
You people lead sad lives if it really bothers you that I typed Peyton instead of Payton.

It's kinda funny actually, like the class dork that picks apart peopls spelling or grammer just so they can be in the conversation, because they obviously have nothing of substance to add to the topic.

Better hurry, the last bell for 4th period is about to ring, don't want to be late.

speak for your self. it is a pet pieve of mine. But really, it's not very easy to make that mistake his name is everywhere
If it hadn't been spelled wrong eleventy billion times and each time pointed out by 50000 people I could see how one could get it wrong....
I think Shaun should have his number. It can work both ways though. I would think that Sean should have the upper hand by knowing virtually all the offensive players AND their playbook.

Reminds me of Chucky playing Oak in the Superbowl. He knew everything that Oak was going to do. Let's hope that's a pattern that will repeat.
my last name is Johnston, but people repeatedly call me Johnson. It irks the hell out of me when they do that.
Hey if they ever name a town after you you could start a sausage company after the same.

Or you can have your name butchered everywhere outside of La. At least I know when it is a telemarketer calling.

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