Playmakers!!!! (1 Viewer)


Black and Gold toThe Bone
Jan 5, 2006
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That one word pretty much sums up the main problems of our defensive unit. We have a legit front 4, a solid group of LB's, and not a single playmaker in the secondary.

Our INT #'s are almost non existent.

In my opinion, a playmaker is a person, who, when given the opportunity, will make you pay for it dearly.

How many "almost"/ "could've been" INT's do we have this year.................Too many, no matter what the official # may be.

I do believe that Payton will consider this a #1 priority in the off-season. He has mentioned that he is bothered by our teams’ lack of forced turnovers on a few occasions during his Monday press conferences.

Our offense is loaded with playmakers.

And I'm not saying that we need a star studded secondary, we just need opportunists. People that make you pay for your mistakes. Right now, in our secondary, we don’t have any playmakers.

Is it just me, or does Bullocks seem to be regressing????

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The defence is going to have to force turnovers if we want to make it to the playoffs. The way they are playing now just isn't going to cut it in the remaining weeks. Hopefully Thomas will be back to sure up the defence a bit. I'm not really a fan of him, but we sure could have used his tackling yesterday.

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