Remember Me Shots (1 Viewer)


5 0 4 Boy
Sep 13, 2007
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Houston, TX
Its time for some "Remember Me" hits on Matt Ryan. We put the pressure on Warner, Favre, and Peyton last year, we can do it again this year! The only way to stop/slow Matt Ryan is to mess up his rhythm by not allowing any quick releases - the same strategy that a lot of defenses use to stop Drew. Remember that Ryan is still a young QB, so he can still be mistake prone if he gets nervous - and our hungry secondary will be there waiting for a pick 6. On that same note, our offensive line needs to protect Drew and prevent ATL's defense from doing this to us......As for Roddy White, ignore his crap and let him be as cocky as he wants. The Saints need to keep their heads in the game and not let our emotions get the best of us. There is alot on the line for both teams, which will greatly impact each teams route to Dallas, so there will be alot of emotion and aggression in this game. So let ATL shoot themselves in the foot by getting to aggressive, while we go out there to play ball and do what we do best.
A remember me shot
<a href=";current=FF_118722_xl.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
favre hasnt been the same since... warner retired, brett is regretting not retiring... colts have to play every game this year to get in the playoffs... must be a voodoo curse!
favre hasnt been the same since... warner retired, brett is regretting not retiring... colts have to play every game this year to get in the playoffs... must be a voodoo curse!
You gotta love the fact that we beat 3 HOF QB's on our way to winning it all. LOVE IT!!
Yep, we need to get after Matt Ryan. Make him move in the pocket. But how can we if no pressure is applied by the front 4. The four horseman up front need to bring the wood to Ryan and bust him on his tail....
If we blitz we'd better be ready to jump the short routes because thats their game.

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