NFL Riverboat Ron is the new Redskins coach (1 Viewer)

He may have a chance with Bruce Allen gone. Although, they say Dan Snyder is a Jerry Jones-like meddler and that can't be a good work environment.

Jerry is a meddler, but Dan Snyder is a sociopath. Just read up on some of the stories on the dude. He's subhuman garbage of the highest order.
His biggest challenge will be changing the culture there and I really think there will be some things that are "above his paygrade", so to speak.

You've got the Alex Smith and Trent Williams debacle(s). How do you convince players to play for you when you have players with Medical Malpractice claims? I mean, they may or may not be suing but...If I'm a player, I'm incredibly skeptical playing for team that doesn't appear to properly care for their players health.

The good news for Rivera is that he's a in the East with some talent, cap space, and draft capital. If they can get the right GM in the building, they can improve very very quickly. Maybe he brings Cam in to help bring Haskins along?
Jerry is a meddler, but Dan Snyder is a sociopath. Just read up on some of the stories on the dude. He's subhuman garbage of the highest order.
I read an article yesterday when they announced Bruce Allen getting canned that went into some stories on Snyder and I totally agree with your assessment. I don't know why anyone would want to be employed by that man.
The Skins D will improve as they hired Jack Del Rio as well....the problem that will likely remain for them? Their oline has needed upgrading at multiple positions for years now....Rivera failed to address Carolina's offensive line woes which I believe led to his downfall there....if he does the same with the Skins nothing will change there IMO....
You know, for all the praise being heaped on Rivera, he actually only had 3 winning seasons out of 9 as the Panther's HC. That kind of blows my mind. I just assumed he was around .500.
Meh...I would have taken any other offer than working for Daniel Snyder. Rivera is a good coach and by all accounts a good person. I think he settled for second or third best here. Heck, I would have taken the Browns job over the Redskins.
Jerry is a meddler, but Dan Snyder is a sociopath. Just read up on some of the stories on the dude. He's subhuman garbage of the highest order.

Snyder is a much worse meddler than Jerrah. Jerrah will listen to his subordinates at least. See what happened with Manziel. Snyder plays favorites and forces players onto his coaches (RGIII)
Good. Glad he is out of our division. He is a pretty good coach and I think that was a mistake for them. Their offensive coordinator knew how to use McCaffrey. Who is to say the new people will?
You know, for all the praise being heaped on Rivera, he actually only had 3 winning seasons out of 9 as the Panther's HC. That kind of blows my mind. I just assumed he was around .500.
He is; .546 to be exact with a 76-63-1 record. Without that 15-1 outlier season in 2015 inflating his win total, he’d be even closer.

3 winning seasons and never had back-to-back winning seasons in 9 years.
You know, for all the praise being heaped on Rivera, he actually only had 3 winning seasons out of 9 as the Panther's HC. That kind of blows my mind. I just assumed he was around .500.

But he also had to do it with Cam Newton...

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