Saints VS Chiefs (1 Viewer)

Jun 13, 2018
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Bunkie Louisiana
Could the 2 teams agree to play a game against each other? Would NFL allow that? I would be willing to bet that it would have more viewers than the RiggedBowl!
Love the idea, but the logistics and planning for such an event would be mind-boggling. Would take at least a year to coordinate such a matchup.

What players on both teams could do though is - agree to play a "private" flag-football game at a picnic on the day of the Superbowl. If nothing else it would make Goddell look like the buffon he is.
Boy, I tell you what. That sounds like a plot for a great feel good movie, and lord knows protesting the Superbowl by scheduling this game to coincide with the Goodellbowl would be redemptive. We could only wish. I know that it could be lucrative from an advertising standpoint, but logistically difficult to pull off in time.
It's an interesting prospect, but logistically unfeasible. Even if you make it flag football, what happens if Mike Thomas, or Kamara, or any other key peice of the team suffers any significant injury in a game that they wouldn't be covered for, compensated for or something along those lines.

I'd love to see it, but wouldn't want to expose either teams stars to something like that
Back in the 60's before the AFL/NFL merger there was a 3rd place game in the NFL called the Playoff Bowl. That happened. They played a week after the Championship Game.
KC fans are lamenting that one of their linemen decided to line up about 2 inches into the neutral zone and negated a game clinching interception of Brady.

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