I see what you did there!??As a person whose disdain for the current commissioner knows no bounds, this is the correct decision, notwithstanding Nick Underhill's comments. The playing field has to be leveled.
The wrong decisions were made earlier, notably the gag order and the initial "work from home" edict. These teams play in cities, not places with a post office, general store, and a gas station. I cannot believe that all them don't have large boardrooms where people can be separated by six feet so as to avoid internet problems. The Saints had the best solution, but the current commissioner didn't see it.
In addition to the Jefferson problem mentioned in the earlier post, certain teams may try to cheat by claiming they have an interNEt problem--not to mention any names. I wonder what would happen if a team were to get caught doing somethiNg dEvious. It would probably be depeNdEnt on which team was doiNg thE cheating.