Superstitious? If so, how/what? (1 Viewer)


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Mar 3, 2013
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West Virginia
To start off I’m going to apologize for any issues this may have caused.

So over the years my avatar hasn’t changed too much. However, when I changed my avatar to a different player it has went poorly. This is the order and result:
Jimmy Graham - traded
Cooks - traded
Snead - disappeared and then signed away

Graham lasted a couple years as my avatar before he was traded. Out of laziness and not knowing what I wanted to change it to be, he hung around as my avatar after he was gone. Then I changed it to Cooks and he was traded the following offseason. Then came Snead, he disappeared that season. I will never make it a player again.

I’m sure it’s all coincidence, but it’s now a chance I’m not willing to take. What are some other superstitions you all have going on?
No shaving on gameday.
Used to be, but I have this new thought process that I am being too narcissistic if I think anything I do makes a difference in the outcome of a game.
Used to be, but I have this new thought process that I am being too narcissistic if I think anything I do makes a difference in the outcome of a game.
I had that too, but even that became a weird superstition
I won’t do any pregame rituals, but I can’t help in game adjustments - sitting/standing in a particular spot after good plays or avoiding the same after bad plays
No, But I am a firm believer of you reap what you sow.
I'm not superstitious about affecting the game in any way. But I do have my rituals, which I think is a different thing altogether.
I just refrain from saying things like “we got this in the bag” or on 3rd and 15+ saying “there’s no way they’ll convert this.” It is uncanny how every single time I say this type of stuff, the opposite happens.

So if I or anyone I’m with say these things, I immediately knock on wood. It’s like an agreement that I have with karma. We’re cool. *knocks on wood*

Last season when we played the bears, Trubisky ripped off a decent little 8 yard run or so. To which my dad remarked “oh well he’s not gonna beat is with his legs.” I said “dad knock on wood right now!” He said “no. He’s NOT gonna beat us with his legs.” I **** you not...the very next play.....he scampered for 50+ yards. Dad knocks on wood now
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I like to slap my leg with my right hand when opponents attempt an important field goal. Hamboning is the proper word for this practice. Does that count?

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