Seahawker Ed

NOLA Luchador
Jul 27, 2006
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I am wondering why tha SAINTS have to go to New York again on Christmas Eve and play the giants this season when last year we gave them an extra home game. I think the NFL should give us that game back and have it in the superdome. What do u guys think about that.
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It would make sense to do that but it would never happen because it would create too much controversy if the Sainst win.
+1 million.

Never happen tho'.

Nor should it. The Giants having an extra home game last year was an unfair advantage over every other team in the league. Us getting it back this year would be the same thing, an unfair advantage. When we hit the playoffs, I don't want an asterisk beside our record.

Man, those international games are going to cause some headaches, aren't they?
Yeah. I think the international games should only be pre-season games. If tha were Saints to play a regular game on other side of the world no of us would be able to see them.
I love the idea and also think they (NFL) should do that and only give the Giants a 2 week notice beforehand.

We'll even be nice and call it THEIR home game. Yeah, that'll happen.
I don't know what you guys are talking about. The NYG game last year WAS a home game. What more could you want?

/sarcasm off

While it was unfair to relocate a home game last year to the visitors stadium (Saints/Giants,) it WAS last year and the whole purpose of the NFL wasn't so much as where to have the game as it was a charity fundraiser for Katrina. Yeah, the team got screwed and the Giants benefited, but under the circumstances of last year and what the NFL was trying to accomplish for the Gulf Coast, I feel that the whole 'Giants owe us a home game,' is something that should just be let go as water under the bridge.
I love the idea and also think they (NFL) should do that and only give the Giants a 2 week notice beforehand.

We'll even be nice and call it THEIR home game. Yeah, that'll happen.

I couldn't agree more. Not being sarcastic, I would even venture as far as saying every game this year should have been a home game to help the greater New Orleans area.
The beauty of it is that the players who are still here from last year will most likely remember their 'home' game against the Giants, and will play that much harder to win when it comes time to play the game...
They gave us the money from the game...

While it was unfair to relocate a home game last year to the visitors stadium (Saints/Giants,) it WAS last year and the whole purpose of the NFL wasn't so much as where to have the game as it was a charity fundraiser for Katrina. Yeah, the team got screwed and the Giants benefited, but under the circumstances of last year and what the NFL was trying to accomplish for the Gulf Coast, I feel that the whole 'Giants owe us a home game,' is something that should just be let go as water under the bridge.

AGREED...Water under the bridge...and I agree with fish too - no asterisks*

*no asterisks

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