Video: Drew Brees took hard the interception Atlanta returned for a TD (1 Viewer)


Cam Jordan Fan Club
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
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Works fine for me in the link.. using explorer..

Hey.. when you are forced to throw 50 times, you're going to throw a few picks.. The end result that matters, is Drew was able to drive down 70 yards, and get the go-ahead TD.
what worries me was that he was just willing to toss it in someones general direction without really looking just to avoid losing 10 yards. thats an extremely dangerous thing to do as evidenced by the pick 6. I love drew brees and all but sometimes you just gotta take the sack
Works fine for me in the link.. using explorer..

Hey.. when you are forced to throw 50 times, you're going to throw a few picks.. The end result that matters, is Drew was able to drive down 70 yards, and get the go-ahead TD.

Just out of curiosity, which version of IE are you using?
The most important thing is the W at the end of the game, so Drew still played a vital part to obtain that. However it's true that this year, with some other players continuing to struggle, #9 sometimes tries to do too much and performs costly mistakes.

Drew has always been extremely critical of himself and his performances. So much so that it could get to be detrimental by making himself press even when he shouldn't.

He needs to remind himself that as long as there is time on the clock he has the ability to overcome the mistakes. We sure can't afford to have our field general losing his mind when we all know that he's really trying to do his best (and then some) at all times!
Drew is the best thing that ever happened to the Saints. His competitive spirit sometimes makes him seem almost human and sometimes shows that even he can screw up. He is so competitive that when his team is LEADING 10 - 7 he is getting frustrated that the offense isn't moving the ball as well as he would like and that the Atlanta defense is doing an excellent job of putting the heat on him. He wants to move the ball so bad that he gets OVER competitive. The long ball with three defenders was risky, but Brees makes those often so you can only breath a sigh that it wasn't intercepted. A few plays later he tosses the ball to a totally unsuspecting Pierre Thomas because he doesn't want to take a sack. At that point he was playing like a guy who is down 28-7 not like a QB leading 10-7. A few more plays and he attempts to toss the ball to Reggie to avoid a sack. TD Atlanta. He is human after all.
He is also the best QB the Saints have ever had and the biggest single part of the Saints success for the past few years. Geaux Drew!!!!!!


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