Video: Roman Harper explains why he stepped out of bounds against St. Louis (1 Viewer)


Cam Jordan Fan Club
Sep 16, 2006
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Denver, CO
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Happy Birthday Roman :9:
I figured there was a good reason. Too bad the (fumble) didn't stand.
I think he was guilty of simply holding his breath during the initial burst of his sprint down the sidelines.

It always feels like you are able to get a little more of a 'push' when you hold your breathe and lean on your core for a few seconds, but do it a little to long and you starve your system of O² and you're very quickly screwed.

But yes he as caught thinking if he floored it right a way he could jog into the endzone, bravo to Sam Bradford for not giving up and for remembering to breathe while he sprinted lol

btw Bradford was great, I am very glad he is not in this division, the Rams will rise to dominance again with this guy in the driver seat!
I hope he finds the time to do more movies. I loved him in Driving Miss Daisy.

We had some NFL Redzone coverage over here this week & Nick Halling one of the British studio commentators called him "The weed of the week" !!.

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