What are your Christmas Traditions? (1 Viewer)

Santa's not real?
when i was a kid my gparents lived in N Miss - we would go cut down our own tree after a full day of playing in the haystacks

when we grew up my sister and i became performers and were often touring or rehearsing so haven't had much of a tradition - now we try to rotate between here, my parents in chattanooga and my sister and bil in NJ

my wife and i were married on the 23rd and we drove through the celebration in the oaks lights late that night on the way to...
now we try to keep both traditions going

Then we take it back to the main building and have some hot glueh vine (hot redvine and port with some snaps (strong alcoholic drink made from potatoes) - add a little honey and a lot of raisins and almonds.. Leave to slowly simmer over open fire for hours and you have an amazing drink with is great after an hour or two in the snow)

the hour or two in the snow is a necessity - had gluhwein several times in germany and loved it - tried it back in the states and that stuff was nasty
Start a new tradition!

Start a new tradition by coming to visit me and the St. Clement of Rome nativity exhibition. Last year was the first year I organized this event and I'm back by popular demand. I'll have over 100 nativity sets on display. Choirs will sing, including Rabadash records recording artist Lindsay Mendez.
For more info; St Clement of Rome Nativity Exhibition

17 year old Lindsay sings O Holy Night O Holy Night - Lindsay Mendez - YouTube
Being drunk by sunrise, staring at the urn of my mother's ashes.

Very similar to my old tradition. Drunk at sunrise staring at the .357 revolver that my father used to take his own life.

Not any more.

I'm still alone but I no longer stare at the pistol. I get drunk at the grave sight and pee on the grave.

Baby steps
When we were little we got to open a present on Christmas Eve. Open presents Christmas morning. Pretty I eventful. Them I started going out with the wife so from 17-24 I'd do Christmas Eve with her family, Christmas morning with mine, go back to their place to eat early dinner (which sucked, they can't cook) then back to parents house for dinner. For the last 15 years we make a bunch of tamales, invite a bunch of people over Christmas Eve for alcohol and tamales, open those presents. Then Christmas morning open presents, then I spend most of the day cooking which I like because I do a great job. If family around they are welcome but they eat what I make. My sis in law comes in every time they are here and tries to tell me what to do. Then I get irritated, then my brother starts acting up because I'm an ***.
Very similar to my old tradition. Drunk at sunrise staring at the .357 revolver that my father used to take his own life.

Not any more.

I'm still alone but I no longer stare at the pistol. I get drunk at the grave sight and pee on the grave.

Baby steps

Just across the bridge brown. Come on over.
Just across the bridge brown. Come on over.

For real.

Being that angry at a box of bones doesn't do anyone any good. Let it go and live your life.

Holidays were always bad when I was younger. There was a tragedy seemingly every year, ranging from major injuries to a heart attack to a suicide to alcoholic rantings, and as a result I dreaded when December hit on the calendar.

Christmas 2006, after burying both of my parents earlier in the year, was completely void of all of that. And while I missed them naturally, I made up my mind sometime around 12/22 of that year that I wasn't going to hate the Christmas season any longer. The people who had ruined so many Christmases in the past were gone and no longer had the power to ruin another one. And since then, my only real aggravation about Christmas is just the usual stuff that comes with shopping/cooking/decorating and it's infinitely more enjoyable.
wife and i have a special Christmas eve tradition involving nothing but a santa hat and a carton of egg nog.
Very similar to my old tradition. Drunk at sunrise staring at the .357 revolver that my father used to take his own life.

Not any more.

I'm still alone but I no longer stare at the pistol. I get drunk at the grave sight and pee on the grave.

Baby steps

While our traditions are similar, our reasons are not. A stew of pneumonia, MRSA and lung cancer took my mother. She absolutely adored the 25th of december. All of the specials, charlie brown, rudolph, frosty...you name it, you can bet your last dime she was curled up in a blanket watching it.

I miss her every day, I still tear up on a daily basis when something reminds me of her. There are times I stare at my P226 and think about joining her. Even have a special round for that express purpose, in it's own magazine.

I really hate this month.
when i was a kid my gparents lived in N Miss - we would go cut down our own tree after a full day of playing in the haystacks

when we grew up my sister and i became performers and were often touring or rehearsing so haven't had much of a tradition - now we try to rotate between here, my parents in chattanooga and my sister and bil in NJ

my wife and i were married on the 23rd and we drove through the celebration in the oaks lights late that night on the way to...
now we try to keep both traditions going

the hour or two in the snow is a necessity - had gluhwein several times in germany and loved it - tried it back in the states and that stuff was nasty

Probably missing the snaps. The keyword with gluhweinis to keep adding snaps to the mixture as it simmers (unless it is the family version - then it only contains wine - and yes also children drinks this version but most of the alchohol has evaporated long before it is ready to drink ).

By adding Snaps the gluhwein keeps it "punch" and will keep you nice and warm even when the weather is freezing cold.
I can't believe I forgot this one.

Every year my Dad makes a big batch of breakfast burritos after all the gifts are unwrapped.

It has eggs, cheese, potatoes, peppers, mushrooms, olives, onions lots of spices. It's delicious and he only makes it once a year on Christmas morning.

Some other people have told me a few of their traditions:

One family unwraps all their gifts then each person picks one to donate to a children's shelter.

Another friend growing up everyfamily member had to make one handmade gift for everyone else, parents made stuff too. He said that it was something that he loved when he was really young, hated when he was a teen and really missed and appreciated it later when he was much older. He tried to resurrect the custom but his wife wasn't having it.
Another one I forgot.

I've been making these at Christmastime since I was in grade school. Still do it, I just made a batch yesterday

Fruit Coconut Balls

1 (14 ounce) can Eagle brand Sweetened Condensed Milk
2 (7 ounce) packages flaked coconut (5 1/3 cups)
1 (6 ounce) package fruit flavored gelatin, any flavor ( I get 3 flavors, lemon, lime & cherry)
1 cup ground blanched almonds
1 teaspoon almond extract
Food coloring (optional)

In large mixing bowl, combine sweetened condensed milk, coconut, 1/3 cup gelatin ( I use lemon), almonds, extract and enough food coloring to tint the mixture desired shade.

(Before I add the food coloring, I separate into 3 bowls, then add red, green and yellow coloring to each bowl, add some lemon juice to yellow bowl, lime juice to green)

Chill 1 hour or until firm enough to handle.

Shape into 1 inch balls. Roll each ball in gelatin to coat.

(3 more bowls with lemon, lime and cherry Jell-O) (Roll colored bowls in matching Jell-O flavor)

Chill. Enjoy.

These balls are always a big hit. Even a lot of people who hate coconut seem to like them.
We bake a Birthday Cake and have it for breakfast.
While our traditions are similar, our reasons are not. A stew of pneumonia, MRSA and lung cancer took my mother. She absolutely adored the 25th of december. All of the specials, charlie brown, rudolph, frosty...you name it, you can bet your last dime she was curled up in a blanket watching it.

I miss her every day, I still tear up on a daily basis when something reminds me of her. There are times I stare at my P226 and think about joining her. Even have a special round for that express purpose, in it's own magazine.

I really hate this month.

My hatred of Christmas was more based on the inconvenience and hassle of being part of a multi-split/divorced family. I despised it and avoided it starting in High School and managed to essentially avoid it until settling down with my future wife. She and her family and, later, our own kid/family, have made me really like the season as long as it's on my terms and on my turf where there is no drama other than the occasional lampshade.

I'm sure you miss your mom and I'm even more sure she'd be ****** if you joined her.

Merry Christmas, all!
I become a Jehovah Witness on 12/24 then renounce my faith on 12/26. This, co-incidentally, has also been known to occur around birthdays. Bah humbug

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