What is your favorite scene from the Godfather movie trilogy (1 Viewer)

The horse head in the bed?
"What are you gonna do? Nice college boy, didn't wanna get mixed up in the family business. Now you wanna gun down a police captain. Why? Cause he slapped you in the face a little bit? What do you think this is the Army where you can shoot 'em a mile away? No you gotta get up close like this and, badda-bing, you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit."
in part 2 when michael's trying to get a liscence in vegas and the senator tries to squeeze him and tells him i would like your answer by tomorrow and michael saids "you can have my answer now if you like. my offer is this, nothing. not even the fee for the gaming license which i would appreciate if you would put up personally."

another one was with michael and fredo. "you're nothing to me now. you're not a brother. you're not a friend. i don't want to know you or what you do. i don't want to see you at the hotels. i don't want you near my house. when you see our mother i want to know a day in advance so i won't be there. you understand?"
When Michael retrieves the hidden pistol from the restaurant bathroom and comes out to blast the crooked cop and that other guy away. There was so much suspense leading up to that, and it was Michael's first big criminal act for the family, sort of an initiation.

Best reading of the book, for sure.
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All of these scenes makes me want to go watch the movies right now and tomorrow...:worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

OH!!!!! I almost forgot that scene with young Vito and the Calabresian are negotiating about the apartment for the old lady colombo...he curses Vito out and tells him he would "kick his sicilian @#$" then he comes by Vito's olive oil shop later in the day when he finds out who he is and he's scared $#@@^%%....CLASSIC, HILARIOUS SCENE!!!!

To be honest I thought Part II was better then part I, both are true classics no doubt but I just loved DeNiro as a young Vito and all of the old NY(lower Manhatten/Little Italy) street scenes and also all of the old scenes that took place in Sicily(revenge for his family's murder)...
As by my avatar, I am a huge fan of the GF saga.

These are just a few for me, for there are too many to rank.

The first being when Michael goes over to his sister's house to tell Connie's husband he knows he is the RAT that he had sonny whacked, which he really wasn't for sure, but wanted to hear Connie's husband fess up and whine for his life. Michael proceeds to tell him; "Do you think I would make my sister a widow"?, Then Michael tells his subordinates to get his brother in law a drink and he has a one way ticket to Vegas, get the hell out. He then thinks he got on the good side of Mike by fessing up, but in reality confirms what Michael already pretty much knew. Then they walk him outside to the car and Clamenza strangles his happy arse from the back seat while Michael looks on from the sidewalk and then casually walks down the street in classic old school gangster fashion. Classic!

Another one would be, when Michael tells his wife Kate she has one chance to ask a question about him being the one that was responsible for having Connie's husband whacked, whike Michael is being annointed as the new Don. This takes place during Mike's annointing and is being paid with the respect it brings. They then shut the door on Kate as she stares into the office where the scene is taking place and she knows the real answer after Michael already told her no, that he didn't whack Connie's husband. Talk about ice water in your veins. Michael had it.

The other being in GF 4 when Connie prepares some good ol fashioned Canolas with some poison and sees Mike's nemesis croking in the balcony in an Italian opera house while stuffing his fat face with one of the Canolas, while she is looking through her opera binoculars. You gotta love it!

As by my avatar, I am a huge fan of the GF saga.

These are just a few for me, for there are too many to rank.

The first being when Michael goes over to his sister's house to tell Connie's husband he knows he is the RAT that he had sonny whacked, which he really wasn't for sure, but wanted to hear Connie's husband fess up and whine for his life. Michael proceeds to tell him; "Do you think I would make my sister a widow"?, Then Michael tells his subordinates to get his brother in law a drink and he has a one way ticket to Vegas, get the hell out. He then thinks he got on the good side of Mike by fessing up, but in reality confirms what Michael already pretty much knew. Then they walk him outside to the car and Clamenza strangles his happy arse from the back seat while Michael looks on from the sidewalk and then casually walks down the street in classic old school gangster fashion. Classic!

Actually, Micheal knew Carlo set up Sonny. What he wasn't sure about was whether it was Tattaglia or Barzini who approached him to do it. Which brings me to one of my favorite Vito lines:

"Tattaglia's a pimp. What I didn't know 'til this day...was that it was Barzini all along."
I just don't get the whole Mafia/organized crime thing in movies. Be it The Godfather Trilogy, Scarface, or Goodfellas, I just can't understand the hype for the life of me. I do like The Untouchables for some reason. I like Pacino, DeNiro, Peschi etc... but I like their other movies more like Raging Bull, Ronin, Taxi Driver, Donnie Brasco, Heat, Scent of A Woman, Devil's Advocate, Cape Fear, The Deer Hunter, The Super, My Cousin Vinny, With Honors, Lethal Weapon 2-4.

I guess the mafia/organized crim type film doesn't grasp me like it does others.
My thunder was stolen with the abortion scene. "It wasn't a miscarriage" WOW. #2 is when Michael gives the order on Fredo, but not til his mother is dead.
I love the part where Hyman Roth explains to Michael about "the business we're in" after telling him about his friend Mo Green and how he ended up. That's a HUGE scene, IMO.
When Brando mocks the actor in the funny, whiny voice and tells him to ACT LIKE A MAN.
The shot of Duvall trying not to laugh is classic.

Yeah, that is classic along, of course, with: "Leave the gun. Take the canoli's." Can you imagine writing that line -- the guy had to know immediately that it would be a classic.

For acting though, my favorites are two related, non-verbal Pacino scenes. I really don't care for his acting over the last 20 years but he is absolutely brilliant with his face in the scenes where he: 1) makes his decision to go to the dark side in the meeting with Sonny after the cop breaks his jaw; and 2) the scene in the Cuban nightclub when he realizes Fredo betrayed him. Now THAT'S acting.........

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